Is there nothing good about Skyrim?

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:35 pm

When I look at the topics on page 1 on the forum I`m stunned by the fact how many of the topics that have negative critisism towards the game. There`s of course nothing wrong with valid critisisms or complaints, but the sheer amount of them and the seriuosness of them baffles me.
I`ve been playing Elder Scrolls since Daggerfall, that means since the last years of the 90`s. I have enjoyed each Elder Scrolls-game immensly, and liked each game for what they are. I have to admit, I got hooked on the open-world thingy. Other RPGs are just as good, maybe even more classic RPG, but the freedom in Elder Scrolls has no equals. So far I think Skyrim is a fantastic experience, only matched by Morrowind.
I can`t wrap my head around all the dissapointments out there. How can you play the game when you literally thinks the game is crap. Because it sure sounds like you do, the way you express your concerns.
Now probably someone thinks: "Oh he`s a Bethesda devotee, this one" . "A die-hard fan that can`t take it that someone`s critisising his pet video game" "He can`t see that we need to alert Bethesda of the dreadful issues about Skyrim and the direction the Elder Scrolls are going"

Actually, I see clearly that the game isn`t perfect. It has its issues, sure, but for me it`s of minor concern. Can be a bit irritating at times but noth more. I just can`t get myself to be so worked up over this. According to some of the posters I then should be a casual gamer, not a true RPG-gamer or simply stupid. Well, I guess I am STUPID then, for just enjoying this game so greatly. When I read all these articulate and (I must say) well-written posts about some of the poor quality of the game, I amost feel bad about enjoying Skyrim. I think: "Oh. maybe they do have a point".
I guess I`m just not the type who wants to dwell over someone`s concern about Skyrim`s bad story, levelling and few real choices. I just don`t see the game in that way.
I get that each thread is a single complaint from a single member and that doesn`t mean that everyone`s hating the game. But it sure could look like that. Where are the positive threads? Where are the threads that emphasizes the greart things about the game?
"Yeahh, if I`m so concerned about this, why don`t I start one such thread". Well. I want to spend most of my time playing. Maybe the rest of you "Skyrim-lovers" are doing the same.

My stealth character is at lvl 23 now. Adept difficulty and it feels balanced. I take down the easiests opponents and have more serious trouble with the more powerful ones. The main reason is that I have lvld Sneak alot, and my acrhery and one-handed works best in stealth-mode. But overall it seems balanced. For me smithing is an important factor to get an upper hand. My exquisite elven daggers and bow are essential. Have not started the MQ, and won`t for a while
My main concern about Skyrim was that maybe the background story wasn`t good enough. But luckily I wasn`t dissapointed. The civil war, the tension between nords and holds, the Thalmor and so on, the mistrust, the cheechy comments from people all around Skyrim...These things are at Morrowind lvl.
I actually have problems deciding who to side with because both sides are just not pure good or bad. If thats not good gameplay, I dont know.
So I just can`t see much major problems with the game. Maybe I don`t want to really pay attention to them either, Im afraid it will ruin my experience.
But if you guys can have such strong opinions and critisism of the game and still enjoy playing it. Why not? Because I really hope you enjoy the game and the rest of your lives. But I dont really understand how you manage to do it

Pls I expect honest comments and strong opinions :)
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Sophie Miller
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:34 pm

Most of it's constructive, intended to provide feed-back for the developers so they realize what they need to work on for future installments. Some people may be skewing the faults of the game out of proportion, namely a thread that went as far to say the developers were lazy, but most complaints are valid.
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:33 pm

The people who love the game are off playing it and that's exactly how I feel and where I'm going now.

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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:16 pm

You can't really voice criticism either. I got called a homo before for pointing out the numerous flaws in the game.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:46 pm

nope. Skyrim is casual console baby garbage that hundreds of thousands of people will play for dozens if not hundreds of hours because video games are dead and i don't like change.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:34 am

Lvl 41 dual-sword wielding male Nord Warrior with a Legendary Leather armor (which I keep "updated" as often as I can via Fortify Smithing stuff...I just love leather armor, looks badass), 103 hours only with this char, Expert difficulty until lvl 21, then Master.

Only used cheats twice: Once to add exactly 10500 gold to buy all the upgrades of my house in Solitude (I was extremely eager to have a full-featured house right now... :) ), and the other when I moved (moved, not added) a perk I misplaced long ago via console. So, you see...nothing out of the ordinary.

...and enjoyed the game like crazy :)

Only complaints I have are somewhat minor. The worst ones are...

- The menus tend to close alone randomly (workarounded by not using the mouse to navigate though them).
- (This is in fact pretty annoying) Sometimes the attack speed of my char is randomly reduced, don't know exactly why, but it makes the normal swings much slower, and seems like normal swings, instead of the "hit storm" as in the video.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:12 am

You can't really voice criticism either. I got called a homo before for pointing out the numerous flaws in the game.

That is simply not acceptable. People should be more respectful

But I don`t agree with what you said about not be able to voice your oppinions. Theres a lot of threads concerning flaws of the game that is alive and kikicing. It`s simply not true. But I agree, people on BOTH sides of the issue should be respectful of eachothers views. Some people who dont want anyone to critisise the game gets short-tempered and angry and often say stupid and rash things. But people on the other side of the issue sometimes tend to be overbearing, condescending if everyone doesnt see their point.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:25 pm

Most of it's constructive, intended to provide feed-back for the developers so they realize what they need to work on for future installments. Some people may be skewing the faults of the game out of proportion, namely a thread that went as far to say the developers were lazy, but most complaints are valid.

I disagree. Most of the threads ive seen recently are way overblown denouncing the game as terrible. Of course, whats amusing is most of those make the claim after 100 hrs or more which means they've played obsessively a game they 'hate.'
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:20 pm

Do what I do. Ignore the topics you don't want to read. I have been here for many years and over the course of time I have learned to "filter out" the garbage threads when I browse this forum. It's a skill worth developing. ;)
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:45 pm

Everyone that is capable of having fun with a game that is not exactly as they would have made it is busy playing. Unless they are on vacation with a weak laptop, like me :shakehead:
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:59 pm

Meh... could've been better.

Before the next reject calls me a Morrowind fan, I got Saints Row today.

It's not even the big things I'm annoyed about, it's the small ones.
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CSar L
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:13 pm

It seems there are some legitimate complaints, some legitimate criticisms and just some nit picking.

To me some are just getting hung up on focusing on one aspect or the game and instead of studying it or working on ways to improve it they get frustrated and just throw out the baby with the bathwater.

As a personal testimony I myself felt that there were limitations to magic (lol...its true...but please continue to read). I was trying. I was working like mad to fortify magica and build up as much magica as I could thru alchemy and enchanted items. Nothing seemed to work enough...frustration city.

Then I thought maybe I am approaching the problem at the wrong angle. I started to read the forums and learned how to fortify destruction and other schools, learned how to make more effective enchantments, learned how to use tactics.

some stuff I just experimented in the field and tried different approaches if I was dying multiple times.

In a nutshell.... would it be so hard to make a " can I make a more effective (place mage, fighter, thief, whatever here)..." instead of "... this blows no one can make an effective (place mage, fighter, thief, whatever here)..."
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:57 am

It's the same old [censored]. Somebody critiques and a fan boy gets butt hurt and attacks.
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Juan Cerda
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:15 am

Meh... could've been better.

Before the next reject calls me a Morrowind fan, I got Saints Row today.

It's not even the big things I'm annoyed about, it's the small ones.

Well, I accept that not all thinks the game is as great as I think. I just hope I`m allowed to enjoy the game on my terms, and don`t have to list several complaints just to appear intellectual. I`m not a tech geek or gizmo, I have not much knowledge about how a game is made and how to be "balanced". I rate my game simply of how good the experience is.

But there are flaws(what I have experienced):

- Bugs, glitches
- Texture
- UI problems(clicking in the wrong place may cause it to collapse)
- Companion problems(stuck, in the way, suddenly vanishes and appears on a different place)
- German accent guards.... hehe joke

Im sure theres more.
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:28 pm

It's the same old [censored]. Somebody critiques and a fan boy gets butt hurt and attacks.

I hope the irony of your post isn't lost on you. Just saying.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:37 pm

It seems there are some legitimate complaints, some legitimate criticisms and just some nit picking.

To me some are just getting hung up on focusing on one aspect or the game and instead of studying it or working on ways to improve it they get frustrated and just throw out the baby with the bathwater.

As a personal testimony I myself felt that there were limitations to magic (lol...its true...but please continue to read). I was trying. I was working like mad to fortify magica and build up as much magica as I could thru alchemy and enchanted items. Nothing seemed to work enough...frustration city.

Then I thought maybe I am approaching the problem at the wrong angle. I started to read the forums and learned how to fortify destruction and other schools, learned how to make more effective enchantments, learned how to use tactics.

some stuff I just experimented in the field and tried different approaches if I was dying multiple times.

In a nutshell.... would it be so hard to make a " can I make a more effective (place mage, fighter, thief, whatever here)..." instead of "... this blows no one can make an effective (place mage, fighter, thief, whatever here)..."

I agree. You didn`t just gave up. You tried to find a soloution to the problem
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brian adkins
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:54 pm

This forum always has complaints with the newest game. And these angry people never attempt to look around if the topic they want to talk exists, yet alone check it with the Search function. I remember day 1 when there were 10 [censored] UI treads on the same freaking page.

But this forum is always filled with complainers with newest game. Actually, the game is quite praised when you compare it to the other games.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:01 pm

Besides some glitches that prevent me from completing the MQ. Everything about this game is fantastic!
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:56 pm

How many of these threads must there be? I hate the over-dramatic negativity as much as the next guy but it's time to get a backbone and realize this is a forum with a minority opinion.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:58 pm

The stealth sequences in Skyrim are some of the best I've seen.

The attention to detail by Bethesda is stunning.

The world is stunning, and huge.

The crafting system if one of the best I've seen.

There are MANY quests.

The cities are well-done.

There's tons of stuff to do.

Combat is fairly polished, in my opinion.

Magic is much funner than Oblivion, and requires a strategic mix of all the magic schools to unlock the full potential.

Really, the forums are more likely to attract complaint than praise. If people enjoy the game entirely, they'll be playing it. I'm one of the exceptions. However, a lot of the complaints are really constructive criticism. You can dislike one small part of the game, but LOVE the rest. For example, I think marriage is fairly shallow, the Companions line was too short, and there's too large a majority of Nords.

But, what can you do? People will keep their opinions, and you're a bigger fool if you argue with a fool. Let them complain or criticize, and enjoy the game yourself.
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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:22 pm

Right again I don't understand why negativity bothers people so much. If yu really read these forums most of it is positive and people lvoe the game actually. It's like people exploit the negativity and make it bigger than it is. I told this story earlier. I was walking down the street today. This guy gets out of his car, throws his mcdonalds cup and bag in the road. I said to him. Did you just throw that? He was like yes. I was like are you going to pick it up. he was like no. I just kept walking because that was the amount of time I was going to spend on him and his garbage. If i say something is wrong does that mean it's negative? Does it mean I need to take the game in stride and move on? On a forum I probably would have been made out to be something so ridiculous with no recourse. I would have been trolling and harassing him and this person that i'm not because people are idiots. Maybe I just don't like something for a reason.

I more think it's people need to learn to just take what people say in stride and respect it. Take the good with the bad. Grow a backbone. Learn to debate and give your opinion in a way that is constructive. But that's just me.

If someone doesn't like something about the game maybe there's a reason. If people like it, maybe there' sa reason too. Maybe we should talk about that instead of this crap.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:18 pm

The worst thing about Skyrim is that you lose days playing it. :bonk:
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:55 am

Okay, totally off topic and I apologize but there is a difference between an apostrophe ( ' ) and a grave accent ( ` ) :brokencomputer:
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:28 pm

Sup people, I'm back :)

As for your post, I know what you mean, just last week I saw someone on youtube crying tha, "Skyrim is made for Call of Duty [censored]" based on the fact that the first ten minutes of the game is on-rails and scripted, what an idiot.
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:52 pm

Right again I don't understand why negativity bothers people so much. If yu really read these forums most of it is positive and people lvoe the game actually. It's like people exploit the negativity and make it bigger than it is. I told this story earlier. I was walking down the street today. This guy gets out of his car, throws his mcdonalds cup and bag in the road. I said to him. Did you just throw that? He was like yes. I was like are you going to pick it up. he was like no. I just kept walking because that was the amount of time I was going to spend on him and his garbage. If i say something is wrong does that mean it's negative? Does it mean I need to take the game in stride and move on? On a forum I probably would have been made out to be something so ridiculous with no recourse. I would have been trolling and harassing him and this person that i'm not because people are idiots. Maybe I just don't like something for a reason.

I more think it's people need to learn to just take what people say in stride and respect it. Take the good with the bad. Grow a backbone. Learn to debate and give your opinion in a way that is constructive. But that's just me.

If someone doesn't like something about the game maybe there's a reason. If people like it, maybe there' sa reason too. Maybe we should talk about that instead of this crap.

Well, I think that people are just different. I don`t really like to spend time on the forums talking about negative things in the game. Can`t see a good reason for me to do that. I think others may be more suited to such a task rather than me. I can understand some wants do hoping an issue will be fxed or adressed. Maybe I just see them as overly negative. But maybe when they have voiced their critisism in a very "angry" and "dramatic" way(in my view), they stand up, leave their computer, kiss their girl/boyfriend and laugh and have fun the rest of the day. What do I know? People have different personalities
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