and that is how they tied all the necromancy stuff to the questline. I mean its logical that this stuff is tied to the Soul Cairn but I find that it puts my Necromancer in a weird spot.
I want to play the classical just like you see them as enemies in forts. If I want all that necromancy stuff in Dawnguard I either have to join the Dawnguard which is completely out of character or become a vampire which is just as out of character.
You could argue that I just could be a Vampire necromancer because its fitting after all with being undead and immortal but I find it overshadows the whole necromancy part with the you are a super vampire lord part.
Also most necromancers are not vampires which is understandable because if you look at it its quite an inferior way of being undead in comparison to lichdom or other life prolonging ways. You have to drink blood, you have to avoid the sunlight, you suffer nightmares(I think that was in Morrowind and Oblivion if I remember right) and you could possible just turn crazy.
I really like this DLC and its really well made but damn I find it really hard to justify doing this as an normal necromancer even though it funnily has to do with necromancy.
What are your thoughts about this?