I have managed to get quite a few suggestions for individual perks posted up on the site, but I've been really busy with other real world stuff. Once the game launches, all of the perk info will be updated directly from the digital strategy guide, and so it will be a useful companion tool for anyone who doesn't yet have the final game, or for anyone who wants to plan their character using their phone, tablet, or laptop. The site developer (who has also been very busy over the last few weeks) will be adding a ton of new features to the site after launch.
In the meantime, being able to see which perks you have access to from the start is very useful. Even if we don't know in detail what they each do, we can at least form a rough idea. For example, the perks at P7 and I9 (which I have called Resonance and Fusion) appear to be linked to radiation. My guesstimates, which I never had a chance to post on the site, are that they enhance V.A.T.S. and Energy Weapon functionality whilst we're irradiated. Hope this helps 
EDIT: a lot of the base perks also appear to be adapted from those seen in previous games, making it even easier to start planning your character now.