Gotta love people looking for racism so they can feel superior.
As already said, there are very few redguards in Skyrim. They likely had no good candidate for marriage to choose from.
Yeah, people always bring forth racism so they can feel superior? I just find it strange that there are so few choices for a human race and was wondering if there was a particular reason for that.
i have kajhiit and no have option of marriage,i not understood why no have a option marriage for all races(male and female),i wait a patch of bethesda for fix this Injustice-
all races need a option for marriage.
boosmer,kajhiit,high elf and redguard(female) need a option for marriage.
Doubt any patch would fix this. Unless a particular NPC was meant to be Redguard and turned out to be another race, a patch won't fix anything. Maybe there were more options that simply bugged out in the end, so you may be onto something but I doubt it.
Are you [censored] serious right now?
No not really. Even if I was, it would still be a legitimate reason. No need to take that tone. I was looking forward to marry that gorgeous woman from the ''In my time of need quest'' but eh, what can you do? It's too bad some good looking women were left out. I'm seriously considering cheating on my wife. It's really too bad you're not able to do that.