In a way, the Temple of Trials sort of
was the Tutorial Level, I think. If you made it out of there in one piece, you'll have likely made us of all the skills you need to complete the game. And to an astute player, it would have introduced some of the key concepts, as well. (For instance - "hey, these Ants are killing me - maybe I shouldn't be trying to kill all of them," etc.
But, I also know I'm not the only one who thought the whole Temple thing made very little sense in the context of the game. I mean, here's this huge underground complex that's easily three times larger than the entire village of Arroyo. Maybe if, instead of dedicating all this time and scarce resources to building this elaborate death-trap and keeping it stocked with murderous Ants and Radscorpions they had instead worked on building up their settlement, they wouldn't all be living in crude tents huddled on the edge of a cliff.
The crops are failing, the children are sick and dying: you know what's a good idea? "Let's spend all our time building a fortress of traps to try and kill all our young advlts!"
(I think maybe the Vault Dweller got a little senile towards the end, there...)
I love Fallout 2, don't get me wrong. But that part always felt off. It's pretty obvious that it's
not some sort of pre-War relic modified for their purposes, and instead something created by the Tribals. If they wanted to do a "rite of passage" sort of thing, they could certainly have made something that made a bit more sense. Not to mention that all that stonework could easily have been better served making permanent housing for it's citizens. Tents make sense for a nomadic tribe, but Arroyo is clearly agriculture-based.
Anyway, just a thought.