It's irrelevant, and it's not that it's difficult or challenging, it's that it's quite obnoxious. Missing 9/10 times is pointless,
If you miss so much, you are doing something wrong. Maybe you have made a gunslinger with low Perception
or maybe you start shooting from too far away. If your chance to hit is less than 50%, save that bullet. In any case early on a shot should only be an opener in a fight as there isn't enough ammo. And frankly, it would be wasted on easier enemies.
No game should take 10+ minutes to kill something because you wanted to do a character not based in fighting.
If your character isn't based on fighting, why do you insist on getting into it? F2 can be completed with fighting only one character - Horrigan. Not to say that it is easy to do, but it is possible.
And if you start a character without fighting skills in TES games you'll be hosed, too. Even more actually, because you have to fight every step in TES and almost all quests require you to kill something, while level-scaling makes the enemies tougher and tougher.
I am not a Fallout grognard by any means, I only played F2 a few years ago, but I didn't have any problems and quickly (in the Den, IIRC) switched to the hardest difficulty. Granted, I played the Baldur's Gate saga before that and knew to save before fights, importance of character building, etc.
I played a character with Small Frame, Gifted, tagged Small Guns, Speech and Picklock (?), with decent Perception and high Agility and Intelligence. Early on I also put points in melee, and later tagged Big Guns too with that "extra Tag" perk, as well as raised Science and Medicine and a little Stealth, while reading all skill-raising books/journals I could get. Anyway, good armor is your first priority. IIRC, I appropriated Sulik's leather jacket as soon as I freed him and upgraded at every opportunity.