Nonetheless, the second I went thru that door I was toast. In the end I just worked around Jorundr with the console.
Which still has nothing to do with the statue, since it's not even in memory anymore by the time you've made it to where Jorundr is. Something else is causing you the grief here, and it isn't Feldscar either.
You'll probably need to sit down one day with TES4Edit, load everything you're using into it, and then find the data for the Bruma Dungeon and see what's referencing it. You may just be surprised.
You never know what kind of whacked out interactions these mods are going to have. I just had another issue.
My game started crashing ever time magic was used on me. I disabled Lethal Majesty and all was well. I mean,
how is a clothing mod connected to a magic effect? My char wasn't even wearing it when this was happening.
The clothing mod may contain edited or custom meshes that react badly to being struck by magic due to some misconfiguration in the collision data. There's been other reports of similar problems with getting attacked by NPCs and creatures wielding certain mod added weapons. This sort of thing svcks to troubleshoot because it won't have something clearly marked in the ESP file you can anolyze with TES4Edit.