I'm working on a quest mod at the minute, adding (among other things) a little bit more criminal activity to Balmora. The problem is that I'm using the in_sewer_scorr1_00 static to represent the exit from the sewers to the Balmora river, but it's not a door. I don't want to have to change the static (I had enough problems getting it in there.. oh, gridsnap, what did I ever do to you?) so I was wondering is there an invisible load door anywhere, as a resource or is there perhaps one in the CS that I'm just missing? Or is there another way to do this?
Also, only tangentially related to the above: is there any standard on how many references in one cell is too many? This particular cell I'm working on is very big, and I don't want it to lag on people's computers if it's ever released... :unsure:
Thank you =)