So is there "Target Magnetism" in Skyrim?

Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 3:13 pm

Keep in mind it's a SLIGHT targeting magnetism. If you ever played any shooter ever you have experienced it and probably never noticed it.

Maybe in console shooters, but I've played lots of shooters on PC (Which is my preferred platform for games in that genre anyway.) that don't have it. It seems like this sort of mechanism is primarily done with console gamers in mind, and I can understand that, because it can be hard to pull off precise shots with a controller, which is precisely why I prefer to play first person shooters on PC, and it annoys me when conveniences like these designed for the console versions are forced on me in the PC version.

Thus, if this is in the game, I hope it's possible to turn it of, and there's no guarentee it will be, in Fallout 3, there was no option to disable auto aim, that's why there are mods that remove it, or reduce it as much as is feasible, since my understanding is that removing auto-aim entirely messes up shooting in Fallout 3. I can live with auto-aim in console games because, as I've said, aiming precisely can be difficult with a controller, but in PC games, I don't want it, especially if it's like in Fallout 3 where not only was it trying to help me in something I didn't want to be helped in, it could actually prevent players from using the strategy they intend to use because you might be trying to shoot a mine or car or other explosive object near to the enemy while your shots keep going towards your enemy. And I never had any trouble hitting in Oblivion either, except when I'd expect to have a bit of trouble hitting, like when trying to hit a moving target. I don't want this to be forced on me and if Bethesda must put it in to appease the console players, they should at least include the option to turn it off.

Obviously it can be moded out, however in a way I don't mind a fallout 3 handling of bows as long as it's done realistic, again see mount and blade.
At low level you have a spread, holding a bow drawn will reduce accuracy, this is also depending on bow type as you would be far more inaccurate with a heavy draw bow than a light. At high skill levels your arrows helps hitting the target if you miss by a foot.

That has nothing to do with auto-aim, though, it can be implemented without it present. The idea of the auto-aim or target magnetism or whatever you want to call it is to make it so your shots will veer towards the target slightly even if you're aiming a little off, or the crosshair will "follow" the target to a degree or automatically "lock on" to it in aiming, I've seen both implementations. but what you're suggesting would be independant from the target's actual location. There would just be a degree of "spread" to your shots so rather than always hitting exactly where the crosshair is pointing like in Oblivion, they'd hit within a certain area around it, so they might go off from where you actually want to aim at, and most modern first person shooters have this to a degree, whether they have auto-aim or not, just that, for the obvious reason of character skills not being present, it isn't based on character skill, it's just based on the accuracy of your weapon, whether you're crouching, whether you're moving, and such. And this is more or less realistic because in real life, you won't always necessarily hit the exact point you're aiming for, auto-aim, on the other hand, is not realistic unless you have some sort of science-fiction gun that automatically adjusts you're aim because in real life, you're shots won't automatically adjust to where you want to shoot.

Although I DO hope to see something like that in Skyrim anyway, as far as I see it, it's the best way to handle ranged weapon accuracy in a first person RPG.
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:41 am


I felt like a proper [censored] in Oblivion when my custom made fire ball of epic explodation missed a mud crab from point blank range to fizzle out like wet fart on the ground.

how about not being a svcky shot then?
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:53 am

As i've said before,i just hope it's a toggle option.
I'd feel cheated as an assassin/ranger ( which my favourite play-style ) if my aim is not mine and mine alone.
I can understand this "option" for people who can't hit a barn door.....but it has to be an option and not forced.
I'm a console user,and i do agree options like this should not be forced on anyone,especially PC users.
I played PC games many years ago,and i will say, using a mouse to aim/target is alot easier from what i remember.
But i can still aim well with a pad ( but i ain't everyone ) i mean spells for one will probably still have area of effect,effect,so that helps.
But most of all practice.
The words "option" and "toggle" are important with something like this.
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:40 pm

Battlefield bad company 2 has a target system, even on pc. It is pretty good.actually!!!
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Robert Jr
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:43 am

No game should have magnetism unless it's for little kids that need help playing video games. We as a mature community should not need such a feature in our MATURE games. Why don't these game companies that allow Magnetism toward enemies just do our laundry?

Good idea. I hate laundry.
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:13 am

I like this in a shooter but Skyrim is an RPG so no. I will turn it off if it's toggleable if not then I guess i'll just live with it.
It can't be that bad. :yes:
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matt oneil
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:36 am

Didn't the article only mention it for melee combat? It seems like it'd be less helpful for spells, where the difficulty in hitting them came more from the slow projectile and enemy movement than it does from aiming at them directly.
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:21 am

THIS WOULD BE COOL ::: Shooting out a missile that will stuck on your enemies, it works as a magnet for your upcoming 10 flaming missiles. The 10 missiles you shoot out now will follow your target (magnet) untill it hits. This will create a much more liveness and brilliance to the magic system. A great idea...
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clelia vega
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:46 pm

Gotta make it easier for those kiddies who can't aim. Better throw in some auto-aim, just in case. This is just getting out of hand. Dumber and dumber.
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Mark Churchman
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:52 am

I hope it is able to be turned off completely. I've never personally had a problem ever hitting anything, close or long range, computer or console. All it takes is a bit of time (sometimes) and hand-eye coordination, there's no real difference between the two platforms in aiming if you have these things.

Hm, just how fumbly is Todd, I wonder?
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Antonio Gigliotta
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:42 am

This is just getting sad. I have been patient and held my tongue while they made many changes to the design I questioned. But if they make more like these then I'm going to get my $10 preorder back and just rent it when it comes out to see if it is worth buying. If I can snipe a deer with 25 Marksman from the distance that they start to disappear (with Actor Fade and View Distance maxed on Vanilla Oblivion) with one shot why would I need an assist? Especially if the assist is melee only which makes even less sense, as they will take up most of my screen in 1st person and I basically have a digital stick to hit them with. Better be toggle-able
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Sammi Jones
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:33 pm

Didn't the article only mention it for melee combat? It seems like it'd be less helpful for spells, where the difficulty in hitting them came more from the slow projectile and enemy movement than it does from aiming at them directly.

In melee combat it make no sense at all, you strike with your sword, if the blade hit the enemy you do hit calculations, if it miss the enemy figure you miss.
For range combat it make sense, not saying it's a good idea or needed as it's no serious problem hitting a stationary human target who is smaller than your crosshair.

Main problem with spell is the slow speed, upside is no ballistic making it easy to hit targets at long range however as you have no sneak bonus or huge poison damage spell casting at extreme range was pretty pointless in Oblivion as it mostly alerted the enemy,
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 2:29 pm

That's FPS speaking, not RPG.
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Amy Masters
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:35 pm

It better be optional.

There are some people who actually can and like to aim.

Slight magnetism is just like it says, slight. It won't make it where it aims for you, that's snap targeting. Magnetism allows for increased aim at long range and really only is meant for the console controllers due to them not being as smooth as the mouse. I don't think I've actually seen magnetism by default in a PC version of an FPS. Magnetism has been toggleable in every game that I can remember and I will certainly be toggling it off in Skyrim also. It's just nice to be there for those that don't have as much dexterity as others when it comes to the controllers for the consoles, it really won't affect PC users.

No game should have magnetism unless it's for little kids that need help playing video games. We as a mature community should not need such a feature in our MATURE games. Why don't these game companies that allow Magnetism toward enemies just do our laundry?

That is a very convoluted look at things. I don't see how a feature that allows for aiming to be smoother with a console controller is only for little kids and that MATURE gamers would be losers if they may need it. Your missing what magnetism really is. It's not a lock on system. It's not where your arrows or spells will follow someone and always hit them. Please don't try to be condescending when you obviously don't know what a mechanic actually is.
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:22 am

So slight autoaim... good. On the console, the slightest bit of autoaim would have made Oblivion's combat much more fluid. It relied for too much on spending several precious seconds lining up shots, especially if you were an archer who had to come out of sneak.

Most people who hate it have never played a console game with a full-on lack of autoaim. The controllers are not meant to be that specific. A mouse is far easier to aim with.
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:29 am

Imo, Beth should make it mandatory- even on the PC. Just to mess with people.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 3:43 pm

Gotta make it easier for those kiddies who can't aim. Better throw in some auto-aim, just in case. This is just getting out of hand. Dumber and dumber.

Wha...? Since when has cursor-precision ever been part of The Elder Scrolls?
ARENA, where as long as the enemy was on the screen and within a few feet my swings might hit?
Daggerfall, where, like the above, I was shooting skeletons 100 ft away while aiming at the opposite corner of the room (And killing the rat beside him as well?)
Morrowind? With its screwy hit-detect then dice-roll-to-confirm?
The only game that comes close is Oblivion, which, if I remember, had people [censored]ing about being "TOO MUCH EFF PEE ESS IN MAH AR PEE JEE!"

I hope it is able to be turned off completely. I've never personally had a problem ever hitting anything, close or long range, computer or console. All it takes is a bit of time (sometimes) and hand-eye coordination, there's no real difference between the two platforms in aiming if you have these things.

Hm, just how fumbly is Todd, I wonder?

And what about those who don't have the Hand-Eye coordination, or like being able to not have to worry about lining up crosshairs and istead focus on hitting the enemy in awesome ways?

Anyway, I hope it gets in for melee, in a pretty strong way. It will be critical for Console players and those who like to play in Third Person... especially if it gives the option to offset the camera for 3rd-person shooting. Heck, Acrobatic Archery should be possible in a non-lame or cheesy way.
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:35 am

And what about those who don't have the Hand-Eye coordination, or like being able to not have to worry about lining up crosshairs and istead focus on hitting the enemy in awesome ways?

Anyway, I hope it gets in for melee, in a pretty strong way. It will be critical for Console players and those who like to play in Third Person... especially if it gives the option to offset the camera for 3rd-person shooting. Heck, Acrobatic Archery should be possible in a non-lame or cheesy way.

I'm with Ysbal on this one Scow. Their are just some guys...and ladies :unsure: ...who have been playing games a long time and have developed their natural targetting and movement skills with both M+K and gamepad to 'hacker' status and so they don't need or want any type of aim assist to 'cramp their style'--myself included. And you're wrong if you think that players such as myself, who like to have complete control over our aiming, don't focus on hitting, killing and destroying enemies in awesomely complex ways. That's part of the reason I don't want aim assist in the game.

If aim assist becomes the main reason as to why I can do epically impossible, incomprehensibly amazing things in moments of intense combat, than the satisfaction of what I accomplished on screen becomes tarnished by that fact. It takes away the value of my skill level as a gamer.

Ultimately though, I understand that not everyone can be a beast behind the controls, and I'm glad that aim assist is in for those that feel they need help aiming, but...and this is a big but--But to ignore the gamers that have the skill, and the desire to challenge themselves, by not making such an option toggleable in-game is a mistake on Bethesda's part.

Make it toggleable--that's all I ask.
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Hayley O'Gara
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 3:39 pm

I guess we have consoles to thank for this brilliant feature :facepalm: <_<
Please make it so you can toggle it on/off
It's not like this is a fast paced online first person shooter.. how can you not hit an enemy without an aiming aid ?? unbelivable. Maybe if ur 4 years old.. or 90
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:59 pm

I guess we have consoles to thank for this brilliant feature :facepalm: <_<
Please make it so you can toggle it on/off
It's not like this is a fast paced online first person shooter.. how can you not hit an enemy without an aiming aid ?? unbelivable. Maybe if ur 4 years old.. or 90

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Nana Samboy
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:41 pm

i think aim assist should be Dependant on the current difficulty of the game, very easy = lots of aim assist, normal = none.
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:35 pm

I never had a problem with my aiming in Oblivion when it came to hitting a friendly. I see absolutely no need for a target-assist, especially on the PC.

Console games have a long history of target assist (without it, console gamers would have an even harder time aiming then most of them do already) so if Bethesda wants to throw such a system into Skyrim on the console, I don't think there will be much complaint. However keep it off the PC... we don't want our hand held like little kids while we play and with the easy to aim keyboard/mouse thats exactly what this would amount to.

If Bethesda feels the need to play big brother yet though, and sticks PC gamers with aim-assist... they better make it a "feature" (or rather a flaw) that can be turned off.
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carrie roche
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:01 am

first mod i download............disable aim-assist
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clelia vega
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 3:05 pm

I managed to hit an Imp today from the sewers exit (at the beginning) all the way to the Sideways cave entrance. The arrow went straight through it's neck. :ninja:

On the other hand I manage to miss from 2 feet away...when it get's ugly I lose my aim. :ahhh:

So a little bit of magnetism is ok.
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Jarrett Willis
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Post » Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:36 pm

Hey baby when I'm around everything's magnetic, just like the poles you dig.

As for auto hitting foes, a certain ley way could be nice, especially if magicka is rarer, single target spells, has low projectile speed and foes are fast.
However as the game is mostly a first person action style set up, it is not needed that much.
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