It's only a bit of fun cheer up

Didn't mean to sound like a grumpy old man there.

Just saying any fight between the two largely depends on who each person has as their Courier/Dovahkin. For instance, my Dovahkin is currently a scrawny little dark elf who likes to read books and cook, doesn't like to fight, and hasn't even learned a word of power yet.
On the other hand, my Courier is a battle hardened Enclave Remnants shocktrooper with a perchance towards shooting first and not asking questions later. Not really a contest in that case.
But I also have another Courier whos alot like the Dovakhin I mentioned above. This one doesn't even have a main combat skill and is just a science/speech type character. In that case, they would probably just look at each other, pull up some chairs, and have a hot cup of tea together like proper gentlemen.