There is TWO they fear...

Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:04 pm

well, i think we found the "most stupid topic of the year", guys...

not only is this stuff offensive, but its just plain STUPID!

god, what some people come up with, i just dont know about the human race sometimes... :shakehead:
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:45 pm

The first is cholesterol and high blood pressure...the second is DOVAHKIIN!

The purpose of this post is share my idea about having character models reflect poor lifestyle choices. I'd like all the monsters, men, and mer (including dragons) to have the possibility of contracting obesity, high blood pressure, and/or diabetes. This could be an extension of the disease mechanic already found in existing Elder Scrolls games. I think this could really flesh out the gameworld by introducing varied body statuses that give more variety to character models as well as add an interesting and immersive gameplay mechanic if the player character were to contract one or more of these conditions.

By choosing poor foods our character, and even monsters, giants, and dragons, could become obese and suffer penalties from it. Thoughts?

I see one major problem here... all the diseases you mentioned are all associated with being overweight. A lot of people would be offended most likely, which would lead to backlash towards bethesda... that's something they will want to avoid.
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Beat freak
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:28 pm

I see one major problem here... all the diseases you mentioned are all associated with being overweight. A lot of people would be offended most likely, which would lead to backlash towards bethesda... that's something they will want to avoid.

You posted this already, though tbh no harm as it needs saying.

Except high blood pressure has many causes, stress among them.
Diabetes is unclear as to how it forms, true type 2 is mostly dietery, however type 1 is unclear you have genetics, virus, and stress linked to it at some point.
As I suffered it as a child, am not fat let alone obese have seen many who are neither every time I get a check up.
I'd say making out it's because we ate too much would cause a riot, even if some of us suffering the lesser form did.
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:27 pm

Morrowind already had this. Anyone remember the blight? Bloated beasts, ash monsters, Dagoths?
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:56 pm

Yeah I would be so pissed of if the game and the op are saying I'm diabetic because I'm theoretically fat then I would pissed off . As I mentioned before my diabetes is genetic not weight related. And I'm a perfect weight.
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krystal sowten
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:28 pm

What is the purpose? Think about it for a second... why? Sure, a few people will want to roleplay a fat adventurer... but taking down fat giants and dragons doesn't really make sense at all.
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:57 pm

I thought you were going to say Chuck Norris.
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emma sweeney
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:17 am

*shrug* Kinda wanted to make a character based on Terry Pratchett's kelda. Short (well-human sized though here, obviously), spherical and covered head to toes in blue tattoos. I'm never too motivated to make a magic practitioner, but I would be here.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 11:41 am

Maybe you could just choose how fat your character is at the beginning of the game, that way if you hate fun, you could just ignore it. Also maybe you should leave out the real world dieases, some people might get offended.Well... maybe allow the npcs to gain weight in game, it would be awesome if you could break into a random house and find fat people ... I don't know why I would find that funny but... I do
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:04 pm

Morrowind already had this. Anyone remember the blight? Bloated beasts, ash monsters, Dagoths?

There were multiple blights. What you're thinking of is Corprus, which the Nerevarine has- but Divayth Fir concocts a potion that suppresses the negative effects, leaving the Nerevarine immune to disease, un-aging, and pretty much immortal.
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Penny Flame
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:19 pm

You posted this already, though tbh no harm as it needs saying.

Except high blood pressure has many causes, stress among them.
Diabetes is unclear as to how it forms, true type 2 is mostly dietery, however type 1 is unclear you have genetics, virus, and stress linked to it at some point.
As I suffered it as a child, am not fat let alone obese have seen many who are neither every time I get a check up.
I'd say making out it's because we ate too much would cause a riot, even if some of us suffering the lesser form did.

Lol sorry my phone double posted... and I definitely worded my response wrong... you're totally right that diabetes isn't necessarily involved with weight, nor is high blood pressure... I meant that if you base these diseases in game off of poor diet choices, and a character in poor health (which I would think he'd be heavy, just because its based on diet alone) then there's going to be backlash. I didn't mean those diseases come solely from being overweight lol.

There's no way to develop hypertension via stress in a game because it would be extremely hard to simulate stress. Same for genetic diabetes... these things would need to be based in diet, and in turn weight. I think that gets my point across a little more clearly lol
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:20 pm

I respect your opinion and the fact you don't like my idea, but I think it's pretty rude (and inaccurate) to call it "silly".

It may be rude but I don't see how it's inaccurate to call it silly. Yes, it may be more realistic if your character developed high blood pressure from having a high sodium diet but really... It's just a game. Real life is for worrying about things like that. Videogames are for having fun. I think most people would agree that it's fun to explore dungeons and slay dragons but it'd just be a pain and a bore to monitor your sodium intake in a videogame.
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Tania Bunic
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:40 pm

I might as well be playing Sims 2. As far as creativity options more like sims... but when I have things like killing world-swallowing beasts and such eh... I'd prefer not to have to worry about that sims stuff.....bladder, environment, body, sleep, fun, aspirations, or setting concrete floors on fire......... none of that lol
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:54 pm

I respect your opinion and the fact you don't like my idea, but I think it's pretty rude (and inaccurate) to call it "silly".

Don't worry, for as long as I have been here, all he has done was bust everybody's balls

on topic: I personally don't really care, if they can add something like that without affecting anything else then go for it
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 6:55 pm

If they have any of this in then I want cheerios in game.

Edit: Proof-Read-Before-Sumbit! erk
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:37 am

If they any of this in then I want cheerios in game.


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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:33 pm

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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:38 am

The only thing good i see from this idea is modding in a panda race and being the panda from Kung Fu Panda.

Otherwise a craptastic idea. The more reality you toss in a game with things like this, the more of a boring micromanagement game it becomes. I already have to worry about getting fat or diabetes as it is, I dont need to worry about it in a game.
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:25 am

I didn't really care for it in GTA and I doubt I'd care for it in TES. Obesity isn't really an issue in this setting as the simple life style requires hard labor and there is no mass production of food so it's not abundant not to mention the lack of unhealthy foods like fried foods.
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Dj Matty P
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:28 am

Why are people so obsessed with putting obesity in this game? Although I give you props for taking it one step further with the real-life diseases. I would rather not worry about checking my blood sugar while I'm out trying to save the world.
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 1:00 pm


It's obvious that this thread was only made to make fun of everyone who're finding pointless crap to complain about in the EPIC new trailer that "breaks realism", with all those people saying "REALISTIC GRAPHICS AND SITUATIONS MATTER IN A VIRTUAL VIDEO GAME WORLD! THIS WATER DOESNT LOOK REAL". So he's jokingly suggesting obesity and diabetes to make the game more realistic. Props to you, OP. You get cookies.

( :: ) ( :: ) ( :: ) <--- these are cookies.

In all honesty though, people. If you want the most realistic as realistic gets, go play Crysis. We, the true ES fans, play the game to enjoy the GAMEPLAY and the STORY. NOT for 'realistic graphics.'
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Post » Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:36 am

The first is cholesterol and high blood pressure...the second is DOVAHKIIN!

The purpose of this post is share my idea about having character models reflect poor lifestyle choices. I'd like all the monsters, men, and mer (including dragons) to have the possibility of contracting obesity, high blood pressure, and/or diabetes. This could be an extension of the disease mechanic already found in existing Elder Scrolls games. I think this could really flesh out the gameworld by introducing varied body statuses that give more variety to character models as well as add an interesting and immersive gameplay mechanic if the player character were to contract one or more of these conditions.

By choosing poor foods our character, and even monsters, giants, and dragons, could become obese and suffer penalties from it. Thoughts?

YEA...and lets add the ability to go to the bathroom too, and if you dont your kidneys fail!!!!

Some things are just TOO no.
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Paul Rice
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:09 pm

Granted, it's a tad inappropriate, of all sicknesses to choose from you pick diabetes? What about autoimmune diseases then? Or Lupus?

My objection to this (aside from it being a bit rude) is that it is unlikely that people would be overweight in the first place.

Skyrim is described as an ancient land, that is cruder and less developed than Cryodiil. It would be safe to assume that at it's current technological state, the dangers that your average Nord faces in their day poses a substantially higher risk of physical injury, linked directly to the progression of social communities (ratio of farmers, builders, hunters, warriors, etc) and the necessary amount of physical activity they must exert to survive (ie, cutting wood, farming food, hunting and many other laborious jobs, not to mention fighting monsters and wild creatures).

Also being a region that is geographically elevated well above sea level for much of it's terrain, those living at high altitudes will generally have a better developed cardiovascular system, in part due to the reduced oxygen content present in the air (and all those bloody great mountains they have to walk over). Also, studies conducted by doctors on small communities living at high altitudes in some mountainous regions of Italy show, despite a high cholesterol and fat diet, they are shown to have very strong, healthy hearts and bodies.

These too factors contribute towards: An environment where the option to become fat is (a-ha) slim, as their is so much physical effort involved in simply surviving. Furthermore, high fat content food (mostly meat, etc) is actually beneficial for those living in cold regions, as a small layer of fat insulates the body, and offers a good source of energy where hazardous environments can rapidly deplete any reserves of energy in the bodys' system.

...So after all that, no, but only because of the reasons discussed. I am not denying the possibility for people to be fat, and definately in some areas of the TES there must be fat people (Imperial merchants, a well aged Khajiit patriarch, Yagrum Bagarn's cousin). Also, how the hell do we know that the physiology of dragons would even allow them to develop to obese proportions? The amount of energy they must expend in order to keep their bodies airborne must be exorbent. But I did laugh at the idea of Alduin having a heart attack during the main finale.
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