I'd try something a little different but more manageable, like a guard/priest saying "sorry ^pcrace, you must enter the temple without boots or shoes. Let me help you", then force unequip, for instance
player->additem "dummy shoes"player->equip "dummy shoes"player->removeitem "dummy shoes"
Ahh, that's a good idea. Force the unknown boots/clothes off. But, I think it should be a dialogue option ("Take off shoes" or "Don't take off shoes") instead of having an NPC take your shoe off for you. Hahaha. Either that or have a script on the door that does what abot described (add/equip/remove) without prompt, displaying a messagebox that tells you that you took off your shoes if you had them on. Besides, adding and removing the items in dialogue will show "dummy shoes added to inventory" and "dummy shoes removed from inventory" in the dialogue window.
thats a good idea. but i have no idea how to havea door activate after a messagebox.
Basically i need a script that when the door is activated it has a message box: "before you can enter here you must remove your footwear" "remove footwear" "dont remove footwear"
if they select dont remove footwear then they arent allowed in. If they select remove footwear then the dummy shoes that abot suggested would be placedo n pc, then removed ect.... then the door activates and they enter the room.
make sense?