Does anyone know of an ini tweak or a mod or something to force the pov on PC? I don't want to ever enter third person unless I specifically mean to, which means it would need to be disabled permanently or be able to be separately bound to its own key.
Specifics, if you wanna read them: After putting in about 55 hours, I've been painfully reminded how much I dislike third person in Bethesda games, especially since far too often I'm forced into the view when I never mean to. Thought I was reminded of this before I even left the vault at the start. It's usually by a uncommon wonky camera situation and it's very common when I'm aiming with a sniper rifle in the heat of battle and hold my breathe, which is also the pov key, fire then release the aim key but just before releasing the hold breath key since it's a very new mechanic to me, so I have to quickly hit the key again to re-enter first person since it's an awful pov in every combat scenario. Sadly, once again a lack of buttons on controllers seems to get in the way of functionality or efficacy.
I'm not talking about dialogue though, but I wouldn't mind being only in first person for that, too, since the facial animations or lack thereof (and lack of emotion) make me cringe sometimes haha, but this is optional and separate. And it would be nice to be able to work on my settlements/workshops without the game constantly derping and changing the pov when I just want to go into workshop mode.