My character right now is a warrior and it would conflict with my whole role play if i started doing does quests.So anyone knows a way?
My character right now is a warrior and it would conflict with my whole role play if i started doing does quests.So anyone knows a way?
Do you want the exact console command? Give me a moment...
Oh lol i forgot you can add items via console, nvm i found it :
Sorry, brain fart moment
Open the console, ''player.additem 00061c8b 1''
well nvm..
Open console with ~ key. Type this in exactly: player.additem 00061c8b 1
Edit: Double ninja'd...
Ughhh Morokei... You should use my mask instead, savage.
You know, you don't need to type those leading zeros
For example, you want money type player.additem f 1000 instead of 0000000f 1000.
Yeah, but most of us probably copied the code from the UESP page. am i right?
I actually went straight into the Creation Kit.
Well, for vanilla items, yeah. All the same nonetheless.
Well, mod or DLC added items don't have leading zeroes (And load index includes the zero for those below 16).
Rp that you think the college has the mask
Cheating is a way; the other being either creating a new character that has a different build, so that he can play the necessary quests, or abandoning the idea of getting the mask. Playing on consoles isn't that bad after all.