It is possible to simulate function and procedure calls in two ways.
Procedures can be simulated by making a scripted spell effect, a spell that use that effect and call it on an actor using
Functions (and procedures) can be simulated by using a Basicly, you make a scriptable object (such as an armor) and place it in an empty cell as a persistant reference (make sure to give it a custom name). You place a script on the object, where your code is in the block. If the name of the persistent object is FooFAR, the function can be called by:
FooFAR.Activate player, 1
If you need to send arguments to the function, you can exploit that the object is persistant and let the calling script use:
set FooFAR.someArg to someValue
As the script is run instantaneous, you can load return value(s) by:
set returnValue to FooFAR.someResult