I thought I had it right by running multiple 'PlaySound.3d Mysound' on player twice before the unequip command, while using a sound that has no sound file, but for some reason it all the sudden is not working any longer. Honestly, this whole approach scared me anyhow, considering the fact it could just be anomaly with my sound card, and further more could glitch on other folks end with me never knowing it, and hence the sound would play.
I was hoping to be able to remove the players helmet and shield via this method, and have ended up removing the code and basically have abandoned the idea, because when the sound does play, it really wrecks the scene.
Simple question, does anyone know of a way to stop the sound from playing when running unequip command on player that is reliable?
Ps - I did check the wiki, and although it seems to point to the message Spam technique description as having a fix for getting rid of that sound, there is no such information in regards to the usage of the unequip command, only message spam removal, thats it. Also I tried playSound 2 times before, and 2 times after the unequip command, both did nothing. Further more tried playSound3d mysound twice after unequip, nothing again.
My last attempt, asking you good folks before I completely abandon the possibility.
Truly appreciate any info on this