The method used in the likes of Skyrim and Fallout 3... Where you just get ONE continuously overwritten/updated auto save? Like back in the olden days of Fallout 3 I had a grand total of TWO saves for the game, my manual save that I overwrote from time to time, and the auto save that overwrote itself... Now every single auto save is its own full size save on the disk.
I am rocking an old 60gb SSD for my operating system drive, and the game does not let me change the directory for saves (which defaults to C Drive/Documents)... So it is very tight for space and my game's saves are upwards of 10-11mb each at this point... So after a few hours of playing, it writes over a gigabyte of new saves...
Its rather annoying needing to go in and delete most of them manually after every single play session to avoid running out of space. I don't want to turn off auto saving because it is helpful and I am forgetful with manual saves...
So yeah, is there like an INI setting or something I can modify somewhere or does the old method no longer exist?