Whereas I am a Spellsword, I am trying to focus mostly on health and magicka, and I am leaving stamina as is for now. Part of the drawback to this, is now that whenever I enter an area, even one that may be small (still around Whiterun), I have to keep going back and forth to sell any loot. That becomes quite tedious. Without spoilers (or as much as possible), is there a ring, amulet, unlimited backpack, that I could use? Or if not, if I find the Steed Stone, would that work? Clear whatever area I am in....for example Cave X..., go to the Steed Stone, touch it....travel back to Cave X, take all the loot, travel to a shop, sell it, then go back to whatever stone I wish to have the effects of on my character. That would seem easier. Or would the inventory in Cave X disappear after a set time? Thanks for any replies.