There I went, down to the sea
No thought of defence, or thingezzz threatening me
Barefooted and fuzzy as I could be
Just a silly lone Khojit...
It was then the mudcrabs began following me
And I dislike them - as you will see!
Crusty, nasty, as they could be...
Why did I think this place was for me?
Over rockezz, and through the surf
On they came, and what was worse -
I could see Slaughterfishezz in the water
So there was no escape that way!
Still I considered what were my optionz
Down the beach or up in to them -
What was maddening was these crustations,
Were slower than me but were so many
Leaping then from rock to rock
AGILE I am, and was not caught
But up ahead I saw a dog
Or so I thought, and was proved wrong
It was a wolf, and had my wind
Everything might have been over then
But the crabs had seen it too
'Else I could not tell this story to you
Thus I scrambled far away
While they fought it out that day
Down on the beach in Cyrodil
~ A Khojiti tells this tale to you