There will be 280 perks total

Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:01 am

This is from the official Facebook page:

Since Todd Howard took the stage at the Spike Video Game Awards in December to announce the fifth entry in Bethesda's acclaimed Elder Scrolls role-playing series, we've learned much and more about Skyrim. Through releases from Bethesda, interviews with the developers, demos, and even hands-on time, we've accumulated a veritable locked chest (expert in lock picking required) of information, and we've decided to crack it open and share our wealth of knowledge with you in one convenient place. So what's new in The Elder Scrolls V: Skryim? Find out for yourself below:

The New Engine: Goodbye, Gamebryo, hello Creation Engine! For Skyrim, the folks at Bethesda finally built an all new proprietary gameplay and graphics engine, and it makes the characters in Oblivion look last gen -- with an emphasis on last. The engine can produce superior environments thanks to upgraded dynamic lighting and new foliage and precipitation tech, and the people and beasts in those environments will also move in a far more realistic manner thanks to the new Havok Behaviour technology being used for animations (third-person-view players rejoice!).

And those villagers, bandits, and creatures won't just look better, they'll act like they've earned a degree in artificial intelligence thanks to the engine's Radiant AI technology. The system allows the devs to design people and animals that appear to truly live in Skyrim's world, working various jobs, eating, drinking, sleeping, killing… You should even expect to see carnivores on the hunt in the wild, as we witnessed in the E3 demo when a dragon swooped out of the sky to grab a woolly mammoth in its talons for a little late afternoon lunch.

The New Place: Welcome to Skyrim, the northernmost region of The Elder Scrolls' mythical world of Tamriel. It's a hard country, with sharp mountain ranges and arctic tundra, but there are also lush forests and open grassy plains. Less populated than Cyrodiil, Skyrim is roughly the same size as Oblivion's world geographically, and it features five large cities and a host of towns and villages. It's the home of the Nords, as well as new creatures like frost spiders, mammoths, frost trolls, ice wraiths, mountain giants, and of course, dragons.

The New Bad Guy(s): Skyrim's story is set roughly 200 years after the events portrayed in Oblivion. The king of Skyrim has been assassinated and the land is in turmoil. According to prophecy, it's the last event to occur before the return of Alduin, the Nordic god of destruction who returns to the world in the form of a big, bad, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm-esque dragon. And Alduin is bringing an army of dragon buddies with him. You'll face plenty of them in Skyrim, with dragons populating all parts of the region, and each fight will be a boss-level battle that promises unique rewards. Bethesda notes that these dragon battles are not scripted, so expect each and every one to be a unique challenge.

The New Character Creation: The visual character creation system in Skyrim has been given a major upgrade, allowing players to craft a hero with more distinct features, including a Chuck Norris-level beard. Face paint, scars, tattoos and more will also be on the table, allowing players to create their own unique character to take on Alduin and his minions. And don't worry about getting stuck in a particular class -- set classes have been thrown out the window in Skyrim, allowing players to develop a character based on the way they play the game. Use a ton of magic and you'll become a skillful mage; stick to sword and shield and your warrior muscles will be bulging by level 15.

As you make your way up to the theoretical level cap of 70 you won't have to worry about adding points in eight different attribute categories like in previous Elder Scrolls games. Instead, players will focus on increasing three attributes only: Health, Stamina, and Magicka – attributes directly linked to three master skill trees: Warrior, Thief, and Mage.

And last but not least, our favorite new aspect of character creation/development in Skyrim: Perks. Taking another page from its Fallout sibling, Skyrim will allow players to select a new skill-enhancing perk each time they level up. There will be 280 perks in all, Bethesda has confirmed, meaning players will have plenty to choose from. We've got our fingers crossed for the Skyrim version of Fallout: New Vegas' Mysterious Stranger perk.

The New Ambidextrous Combat System: Whether you're dual wielding weapons or you've got a dagger in your left and a spell in your right, you'll be using both hands to do battle in Skyrim. Heavily influenced by the combat system Irrational Games created for its underwater masterpiece, BioShock, Skyrim's new mechanics will allow for a host of gameplay possibilities and encourage players to get creative to find the best combinations to take down foes.

The New Defense: Few studios have rewarded players for backpedaling away from enemies while wildly attacking like Bethesda. But when you attempt that tried and true technique in Skyrim, you'll likely end up dead. To enhance the defense system, Bethesda has added a timing-based blocking system that requires players to position their shields appropriately to parry incoming blows, and backpedaling has been nerfed so players can't blindly run backwards as quickly as they run forward. And if you're struck while backpedaling, your character will likely stumble and fall, leaving you open to attack. The end result is a more balanced combat system that tasks players with focusing on defending as much as attacking.

The New Rogue: Poor sad, weak bow and arrow. The weapon of choice for ranged players was never very impressive in Oblivion, no matter how good one's skill. But in Skyrim, the bow has become a formidable tool of assassination. Bethesda got the idea from playing an Oblivion mod where skillful players could take down foes with a single arrow. Yes, you too can now perform a one-hit kill with a bow and arrow in Skyrim (depending on the health of your foe and if your skill and equipment – not to mention aim – are good enough). Players will still zoom in to aim, but now, the longer a bow is drawn back, the more powerful the shot will be. And we hate to burst your bubble if you're suddenly envisioning an arrow-filled inventory and a quick conquest of Skyrim, but Bethesda has made arrows expensive and rare in the game. Treat those babies like gold.

In addition, Bethesda has tweaked the stealth system, making it more difficult for enemies to become alerted to your presence, and skillful rogues can sneak up on enemies and pull off one-hit assassinations. Oh, and the rogue's bread and butter, lock picking, has also been given an overhaul to mimic the mechanic found in Bethesda's Fallout franchise.

The New Dragon Shout
: Shout, shout, let it all out! Ahem. As a dragon born in Skyrim, your character possesses the ability to absorb the souls of slain dragons. Kill one of the powerful winged beasts and you'll unlock its power -- whether it's breathing fire or spitting ice crystals -- in the form of Dragon Shouts, literally, three word phrases shouted in the language of dragons. Bethesda says players will be able to unlock 20 different Dragon Shouts in total, including the ability to create a lightning storm or summon a dragon to fight with you in combat. And if PETA is on your back about killing endangered species, there are always Dragon Walls. Find three of these rune covered shrines in Skyrim and you'll be able to unlock a Dragon Shout.

The New Finishing Moves: Bethesda sprinkled a little Mortal Kombat in Skyrim, allowing players to deliver a fatal blow with style. Depending on the weapon and the attack, players will see various finishing move animations, including our favorite from the E3 demo: jumping up on a dragon's back and burying an axe into its skull. Get some.

The New Menu: Bethesda went back to the shop for Skyrim's menu system. Influenced by Apple's flowing iTunes menus, the devs wanted to make it quick, easy, and intuitive for players to find the map, spells, weapons, equipment, and character info they're looking for. Our personal favorite is the game's new world map, a 3D topographical rendering of Skyrim that you'll likely spend hours zooming in, out, and around just for fun. It. Is. Gorgeous.

The New Spell Casting
: Mage's are in for a treat. With more than 85 spells from five different schools of magic (Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion, and Restoration), there are plenty of different magical abilities to pursue and perfect.

Not only will players be able to wield a weapon in one hand and a spell in the other, those spells can be used in various ways. For example, if you press and release the button to quickly cast the Fireball spell, you'll launch a basketball-sized flaming orb at your enemy. But if you hold the button down and release the spell at its full strength, your hand will become a veritable flame thrower. Equip the same spell in both hands, and your attacks will double (while draining your magicka twice as fast). You can even mix and match, flame, frost, and shock spells for the best effects on varied enemies, and Bethesda has hinted that powerful spell combinations are there to be found in Skyrim.

The New Repair: Sick of hammering away on dented armor? No worries. In Skyrim, weapons and armor will not degrade and become weaker over time. You'll still be able to create and improve weapons in a multitude of ways, you just won't have to worry about maintaining them.

The New Level Scaling: You hated it, we hated it, even Bethesda wasn't very pleased with it. The level scaling mechanic in Oblivion – which leveled up and equipped enemies to match your own character's level and gear – was just plain absurd and our biggest complaint about a game we truly love. Bethesda hasn't ditched level scaling for Skyrim, but it has given it an overhaul that's akin to the system found in Fallout 3. Yes, enemies will scale to your level, just don't expect to be jumped by a bandit decked out in Glass armor. And we've heard reports that we're trying to confirm that the level at which you enter one of the game's more than 150 dungeons will be the level that the dungeon's enemies remain for the entire game. Just don't go quoting us on that one just yet.

The New Marriage: Yup, you can marry that pretty young NPC you met in town, and if you buy a house nearby, she'll move in with you.

The New Guardian Stones: Travel through Skyrim, and you'll eventually come upon stone obelisks gathered as shrines to the three Guardian birthsign constellations: the Warrior, the Thief, and the Mage. Pick your stone of choice and you'll instantly begin increasing the rate at which your skills in that particular category improve.

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Monique Cameron
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Post » Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:04 pm

Why so green? It's a pretty dim green on my monitor.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:42 am

Though some of this stuff is old news, I'm really excited for the over 85 spells I'll get cast.

-Mr. Maric
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James Smart
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Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:40 am

I don't like how they say they where "Influenced" by everything, there suppose to be unique, not copying everything else. Bioshock, Mortal Combat, World of Warcraft, even iTunes? wtf... Who wrote this article? There not doing a very good job of advertising the game, there basically saying the game isn't as good as all those other games... and music software...
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Je suis
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Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:12 am

I don't like how they say they where "Influenced" by everything, there suppose to be unique, not copying everything else. Bioshock, Mortal Combat, even iTunes? wtf...

In my opinion, they are creating a unique game. They are taking the good parts from other games, looking at what make them good, and how they could refine them to see the same factors in Skyrim.
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gary lee
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Post » Sat Oct 01, 2011 10:36 pm

The New Engine: Goodbye, Gamebryo, hello Creation Engine!

:spotted owl:
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:35 am

I just despise how they mentioned world of warcraft in the same sentence with elder scrolls :sadvaultboy:
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Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:11 am

Good...Good,,,,Hmmm hope we get to marry the blonde bar maid!
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:30 am

I don't like how they say they where "Influenced" by everything, there suppose to be unique, not copying everything else. Bioshock, Mortal Combat, World of Warcraft, even iTunes? wtf... Who wrote this article? There not doing a very good job of advertising the game, there basically saying the game isn't as good as all those other games... and music software...

Chances are the journo was making comparisons so that the readers would have something familiar for reference or something.
Although saying that, I'm pretty sure I've heard Todd reference Bioshock and Apple.
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Ben sutton
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Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:27 am

I thought the level cap was 50?
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Post » Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:49 pm

I thought there were more than 24 shouts?
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Zosia Cetnar
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Post » Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:55 pm

I thought the level cap was 50?

Thats probably the soft cap like 20 was in Oblivion, when you stop finding better items and no more new enemies appear.
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:13 pm

I thought the level cap was 50?

It's in the 70s. There is a soft cap at 50 where skills start to increase more slowly.
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Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:17 am

Why would they keep referring to themselves as "Bethesda" instead of "We"? You sure it's not one of the many, many fan-created pages on facebook that you were looking at?

This is the only official Skyrim page on facebook that I am aware of:!/TheElderScrolls

As for the Guardian Stones, there are actually 13 different Guardian Stone locations, that all provide different effects. I would imagine only the location near Riverwood has the XP gain effect.
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Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:39 am

Something about this rubs me the wrong way.
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Sat Oct 01, 2011 10:55 pm

Why so green? It's a pretty dim green on my monitor.

I tough it would be more pleasant to read, i mean green color is nice for the eyes :happy:
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Post » Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:54 pm

can you provide a link to the page?
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:40 am

Awesome read. Some of this stuff in detail was new to me. Thanks for this.

"We've got our fingers crossed for the Skyrim version of Fallout: New Vegas' Mysterious Stranger perk."

"And if you're struck while backpedaling, your character will likely stumble and fall, leaving you open to attack"

"With more than 85 spells"

"For example, if you press and release the button to quickly cast the Fireball spell, you'll launch a basketball-sized flaming orb at your enemy. But if you hold the button down and release the spell at its full strength, your hand will become a veritable flame thrower. Equip the same spell in both hands, and your attacks will double (while draining your magicka twice as fast)."
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:17 am

I can't find this anywhere on the Official Elder Scrolls facebook page.

This is just fan stuff.
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Sat Oct 01, 2011 10:52 pm

I doubt the text was green :D

280 different perks, I hope.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:36 am

Chances are the journo was making comparisons so that the readers would have something familiar for reference or something.
Although saying that, I'm pretty sure I've heard Todd reference Bioshock and Apple.

He did, and honestly they took inspiration from Apple and Bioshock, which is not a bad thing as Bioshock is a great game and Apple is very organized. They obviously didn't make the menu and Iphone, They obviously don't have combat like bioshock, and they obviously are creating there own games.

Many games take inspiration from others, its a way of competing. Its like saying that if a person across the street began discounting on the same food you had, you would lose buisness. You would then take there idea, and improve it to gain back the buisness.
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Post » Sat Oct 01, 2011 7:09 pm

"For example, if you press and release the button to quickly cast the Fireball spell, you'll launch a basketball-sized flaming orb at your enemy. But if you hold the button down and release the spell at its full strength, your hand will become a veritable flame thrower. Equip the same spell in both hands, and your attacks will double (while draining your magicka twice as fast)."

That's not how the spell system works at all, clearly this isn't a official Bethesda page.
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:43 am

I don't like how they say they where "Influenced" by everything, there suppose to be unique, not copying everything else. Bioshock, Mortal Combat, World of Warcraft, even iTunes? wtf... Who wrote this article? There not doing a very good job of advertising the game, there basically saying the game isn't as good as all those other games... and music software...

You have a faulty and unrealistic concept of originality.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:02 pm

can you provide a link to the page?

Here is a link:!/TheElderScrollsSkyrim
I think you are right, this might be a fan page i tough this was the official Skyrim page i didn't know Bethesda had only one page for all games, this page was kinda to professional to be a fan page lol

Check it, and if its not official ill edit my first post.
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Post » Sat Oct 01, 2011 8:17 pm

Here is a link:!/TheElderScrollsSkyrim
I think you are right, this might be a fan page i tough this was the official Skyrim page i didn't know Bethesda had only one page for all games, this page was kinda to professional to be a fan page lol

Check it, and if its not official ill edit my first post.

Yes, this one is a fan-created page apparently maintained by someone named Sabrina Terence.
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