I will only buy Crysis 2 in october(my birthay) and i want to know if there will be people playing the MP until there on PC. In other words, there will be dedicated servers? Or you think i buy to PS3?
I'll be here as long as I start surviving longer than 2 seconds in gunfights like the old Crysis, hopefully the headshot damage nerf next week will fix this!
I'll be here till BF3. After that...well, I might as well wipe my HDD of everything except BF3.
BF3 doesn't impress me that much, the more I see of it the less impressed I keep getting. It looks way too much just like call of duty and the gameplay probably going to be same. Also the graphics don;t really compare to crysis 2 espcially with dx11 crysis 2 it is just on anopther level than BF3. crysis 2 just too good a game to be beat by anyone for the next few years.
People still play Worms Armageddon. It's a good game and there's no substitutes, and it's the same with Crysis. Nothing will ever replace nanosuit FPS.