I was not a fan of some of the things at the end of oblivion, the unfinishable quests as such. Well unless you kill people to "fail" them, like the fed ex quest from the night mother to the dark brotherhood every week for a pitiful 200 gold or the arena being constantly in the quest log because you can go back every week to fight again... I think most people had already figured that bit out, why was it in the quest log still? The final rewards were a bit meh and the titles were not well thought out, ok Champion of Cyrodil(sp) was fine, but Guild Master of the fighter's guild?
Ok I am the guild master.... ok so what can we do to improve the fighter's guild? "so did you want us to get contracts, recruits or balance in the middle"......

, I'm the guild master, shouldn't I be negotiating with some of our more... lavish clients? no... oh ok... no

Well I am also the arch-mage, can I set some of the new rules of the mage's guild? like banning the practice of unregistered experimental magic in the middle of nowhere that turns the entire populous of a town invisible like I have seen? no.... well how about this rare naturally growing welkuy(sp) stone I have heard about, could I assign a few mages to assist in the exploration of this magical phenomona? no... oh... that might have been useful knowledge tho.
I also lead the theives guild as the grey fox, can I set-up special places for theives to rob, or make them more or less active in certain places to try and not annoy towns too much but still aquire enough to keep the entire guild going? wait all I get is a bed and special cowl... not even... well anything!
yeah... those leading the guild positions seemed rather... useless. I guess in the dark brotherhood you were at least telling the dark brotherhood where to find clients for the contracts... an important role but it was still boring the way it was implemented.