These things are really bugging me

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:39 am

First off, this is pretty much my first elder scrolls game. I played oblivion, but I never got into it, so I'm not familiar with anything here so sorry if some of this stuff has a fix that I don't know about. Before I begin, I think this is an amazing, brilliant game, but few steps were taken to ensure more comfortable gameplay. For example:

-Quests where I have to follow NPCs are irritating. They move so slowly that I find myself trying to use unrelenting force on them to make them get to the location more quickly. Instead, I find myself following them, moving at snails pace for a few minutes, trying not to die of boredom. And I can't run ahead of them, no, then they'll pause and I have to run all the way back to make them keep going again.

-The controls don't save. I dislike the current scheme because I usually dual wield, so using left click for left hand and right click for right hand is easier, but whenever I log back into the game, the controls are back to the original settings. This is just poor planning on the designers part.
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Franko AlVarado
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