We of the Homer collective agree that going crazy is the shortest way to insanity.
That, and wondering why they don't sell the donut holes along with the donuts.
Blew up megaton?
Only once with a temporary character to see what happened as in all other playthroughs I preferred the player housing there, tenpenny tower was a bit la-de-dah for me.
And gummibears dipped in gravy..
But.. that's what the Hadron collider was built for, wasn't it?
wasn't it??
I have not much interest in social media sites, and do not frequent twitter.
That's cool though. It would be nice to see some of our decisions carry over from the previous game. Yes, I blew up Megaton one time and felt really bad about it (me, not my evil character).
Yeah same here. I tried it once on a latter(not my first) play-through. It made me feel dirty. Especially after going back and finding Moira. I then went back to a savegame and never tried it again.
They're probably trying to establish canon, but it wouldn't have much bearing on FO4. I didn't blow up Megaton as Burke was a tad too shady for my taste. And he didn't ask nicely.
I guess I blew it up a few times (one of the most impressive graphical displays you could get out of the game, IMO) but I usually killed Burke before he could shoot Simms in the back...(then used a mod to buy the Tenpenny Tower suite anyway).
I've never twitted....nor do I plan to.
Yeah. It was as bad as my brief Legion career in NV.
I blew it up once, but I found the negatives of that action far outweighed the positives of it.
Besides, as much of a [censored] hole as Megaton was, Tenpenny and Burke were real scumbags that got what they deserved when met their makers.
I never did blow up Megaton, I just don't have that kind of streak in me. Well, that's not entirely true, I did make a lot f carnage in the GTA games all the way back to the PS1 era.....
I blew it up for the first time in a current playthrough of Fallout 3 when playing a rather neutral/evil karma character who was in it for the pay. An impressive explosion I must say, made my jaw drop for a couple of seconds before I shrugged it off.
I have to say, I much prefer living in Tenpenny Tower over Megaton. Of course, only after you "clean out" the guest. I much prefer living with just a handful of ghouls than the stuck up bunch of people. Although Roy Phillips isn't much better, the other ghouls are good company.
In the end, everyone from both communities perish, with just the Lone Wanderer and his ghouls living in their quiet tower in the waste. A good setting for the character I am playing.
My typical series of events with Megaton and Tenpenny tower is usually this:
Do all megaton quests I can, steal everything there, then Rig the bomb when I have enough skill to ensure I get the optimal Pay for it.
Go to megaton, Detonate the bomb, level up some more, use the traders for supplies/caps till I get tired of their smug voices, Then kill all of them and relocate everything to the comfort of my Suite.
Then I let the ghouls in and do the same thing, sell all the crap I didn't need, buy all the cool stuff, look for quests, and eventually get bored of them too, and kill all of them.
Then It's just me and in my own tower, and my massive collection of Nuka Cola, Firearms, and Garden gnomes.
Megatons a dump and I hate Moira so obviously I'll blow it up.
Didn't they say they were almost completely done with the game? Unless it's just a few lines, I doubt that this will actually make its way into the game.
Its just typical game company filler they do to keep an active presence on social media sites. Some of us are just going full cabin fever now.
Maybe. But if you look at the end of the playthrough video it shows an orbital strike on the ruins of Boston. There might be a similar option in FO4.
I weep for the future of Fallout if continuity is decided by friggin' Twitter.
I agree.