They came underground

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:21 am

I have been reading a lot of you guys post saying that the aliens came from space but in the new crysis 2 story trailer a man say, that they been looking at the wrong place and that they came from underground. So my theory is that these aliens were the original inhabitants of earth or that they were amasing an army underground I dount know, but another thing that contradicts this is in crysis 1 wene Helena said that the aliens were sending a signal for help to a nearby galaxy sou they could be a space fairing race or not.. but were did they came from i really dount know so i wana know what you guys think,leave youre theories below :)
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:01 am

War of the worlds. The machines were planted into earth millions of years ago and reactivated when the conditions are right.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:02 pm

It's not really contradicting, in the original Crysis it was said they'd been here for millions of years, yes. That doesn't mean they evolved here though, they could have crash landed or something which would explain the distress signal.
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:33 pm

You do realize that the original Crysis story (the one that was set up for a trilogy) was canned when Crytek decided to reboot the story so console gamers wouldn't feel bewildered since they wouldn't have known how the story in Crysis played out since they didn't play the game. While things like the Lingshan Island conflict remain canon the story that was original planned no longer exists. Crysis is now a saga apparently since Crytek stated that they want to make Crysis 3 , 4, and 5.

I just hope Psycho, Nomad, and Helena are still canon.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:01 am

No, man, what makes everyone think the story got rebooted? am i the only guy whos kinda figured it out? its the same damn aliens from the first, just with mech suits on, if you guyz played the original crysis and paid attention, scratch that, understood what was going on, you wouldnt be pondering right now, cant you guyz put simple puzzles together, look at the lingshan (islands), it was a freakin' ship the whole time!!!! so i havnt played crysis 2 yet, but why is it a surprise that Manhattan (island) is a....... yea....put the pieces together folks. The aliens are still blobs, and if you even paid attention, the fly around in the dreadlocks, its like there ships. When your in the ship in crysis 1, they aliens are blobs that swim around, in crysis 2, the aliens have (*metal) suits that let them walk around, but underneath they are still blobs.
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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:37 am

No, man, what makes everyone think the story got rebooted? am i the only guy whos kinda figured it out? its the same damn aliens from the first, just with mech suits on, if you guyz played the original crysis and paid attention, scratch that, understood what was going on, you wouldnt be pondering right now, cant you guyz put simple puzzles together, look at the lingshan (islands), it was a freakin' ship the whole time!!!! so i havnt played crysis 2 yet, but why is it a surprise that Manhattan (island) is a....... yea....put the pieces together folks. The aliens are still blobs, and if you even paid attention, the fly around in the dreadlocks, its like there ships. When your in the ship in crysis 1, they aliens are blobs that swim around, in crysis 2, the aliens have (*metal) suits that let them walk around, but underneath they are still blobs.
You're completely wrong.
The aliens aren't in suits, they're just completely new... They redesigned them as people complained the original aliens were hard to shoot, to which I have to say, who cares? They're aliens.
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Robert Jackson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:07 am

What the crap is going on in this thread?
NOTHING in Crysis 1 was ditched because of Crysis 2.
The aliens in Crysis 1 wore suits, but they upgraded them for Crysis 2. The story didn't change. It evolved.
Same aliens, same Prophet, Strickland's daughter, same Lingshan, same events.

You can access Prophet's memories showing what he experienced in the Core, and most likely his return to the island, too.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:43 am

Lies. All lies! Prepare to have your same alien theory laser cannoned!!! Are you ready?! Ok, here it goes: The aliens in Crysis 1 are blue, the aliens in Crysis 2 are red. Different. The end.

No but seriously, there is a difference, and the new aliens in Crysis 2 are like the ones in War of the Worlds (as Cytokine said) buried in the ground and waiting for the right time to emerge and take back what is theirs. Crytek didn't really abandon EVERYTHING from Crysis 1 but most of the storyline got separated. Now that Crysis 2 is on ALL consoles and PC, they can start building the sequels in-line with the story so we don't get the confusion and ****. I even think that one of the future sequels will be taking the fight to the enemies (on their home planet or something). I really think that with good planning and a large-enough fanbase (to show the devs that they are backed up by millions of followers who are product-hungry) Crytek can pull this off AND MAYBE become one of the lead FPS shooters IN ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (excessive ! spam)
Who's with me?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:31 am

in the orginal crysis helena said they have been here loger than us, the dinsours THEY ARE PRECANEBRIAN ( incorrect spelling i think)
so they hid themselves under the ground and laid dormant ( incorrect spelling i think) and when the toast was the right tempreture they came out and invaded END OF STORY :D) GOOD NIGHT WISCONSIN

oh and Aegis hows you find out bout stricklands duaghter or were you just making that bit up?
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:41 pm

War of the worlds. The machines were planted into earth millions of years ago and reactivated when the conditions are right.

So lets say your Alien, you come to a planet where live a few dinosaurs and other retarded animals, so you put gigantic weapons and spaceships in the ground. Then, after a few million years, the chance of 1/100000000000000000000000000 that intelligent life would develop, indeed happens. So they go in their spaceships and robots again to blow stuff up...

wow. Epic reasoning
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:21 am

Well, its just a theory. Everything seems so "War of the Worlds" like. Btw, the War of the Worlds concept may look nonsensical but people still accepts it. Look at Command and Conquer Tiberium. The aliens were waiting for the right time to harvest Tiberium from planet Earth. When the conditions were right, they invaded the planet.
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:01 am

Why do you think they are all buried, why cant it just be in new york? people lingshan is ans island right?......bear with me...... Manhatten is a........island? did i just blow your minds? who know, i cant explain the color difference in blobbies, but they are still blobs, the dreadlocks are ships, and the small ones are robots, you see this in the damn assembly line people? just like warhead SAID, they self destruct when they get shot down, but in Sykes adventure, they managed to capture a dread, with a alien still in it. so.... people, why is there an alien next to the dread? because its they're F***in' ships, they fly around in them, but obiosly the small ones arnt big enough for them to fit in, because THEY are just ROBOTS, thats why the sparks and stuff. I imagine that the games going to pull a fast one and say all of the pacific island are ships, and Britain, and,........... getting my drift?

And to the guy with the dinosaur theory, sure, but Helena says, she says" What if this exactly want they want, those things drain any energy they come in to contact to," so what i think they were waiting for civilization to invent a power source(damn lazy aliens) walla, one day they get nuked, energy galore, the project was started early and behold they had enough energy for the invasion.

Explain that logic.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:49 am

The stories are related the aliens are the same species. FULL STOP.

Reasons (that you don't seem to understand) as to why and how they are the same.
(do some research)

1. The aliens in C-1 look different because they are not as advanced as the aliens in C-2 there is time lapse in space travel you know, you don't travel to places instantly unless you use a wormhole (that is if they exist with the possibility of traveling through them). Plus the fact they have been in stasis for a very long time since they had arrived

2. Another reason the aliens look different is because the Aliens in C-1 where re-con/Scouts, activated by the meteor crash (i think) and the aliens in C-2 are a full up to date invasion force with their latest technological advancements at hand such as the ability to survive on earth without the massive exo-suits.

(SPOILERS for those how don't want to know anything)
Another point there to consider, since the aliens left to get reinforcements at the end of C-1 there has been many global climatic events/disasters (apparently), so who's not to say that the site in C-1 wasn't the only place they left weapons and soldiers, hell there could be another ship below NY for all i know. What is clear is that the plot of C-2 is speculation at the moment, apart from the basics, your Prophet, you have the N-S-2, Crynet don't like you there are rumors of a virus (which could just be an area denial weapon) and the aliens are back and extremely pissed off.

All that said the aliens in C-2 are the same species as those in C-1, i hope this has cleared stuff up a bit. The only new thing is the virus, which might not even exist, as a weapon simply a rumor to help scare people from NY city.

Thanks if you took the time to read it all =]
End Rant.
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Eileen Müller
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:54 am

I know the aliens are the same but wy did they send a signal to another galaxy if they live underground or they just wanted the huge energy that the nuke gave them.
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:44 am

This thread needs to be closed. Information from the unfinished torrent is being exposed and ruining the suprise. If you want to talk about the story please do so elsewhere. If it continues it will be closed, it is just a matter of time.
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Liv Brown
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:48 pm

I have been reading a lot of you guys post saying that the aliens came from space but in the new crysis 2 story trailer a man say, that they been looking at the wrong place and that they came from underground. So my theory is that these aliens were the original inhabitants of earth or that they were amasing an army underground I dount know, but another thing that contradicts this is in crysis 1 wene Helena said that the aliens were sending a signal for help to a nearby galaxy sou they could be a space fairing race or not.. but were did they came from i really dount know so i wana know what you guys think,leave youre theories below :)

Crysis 1 shows that the aliens were underground for a while.

The "core" was sending a becon into a planet 4 billion light years away.

So they did come to earth, 2 million years before man existed according to Crysis 1.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:16 pm

We should end this speculation and wait another month for the game. Speculation kills the fun factor of a game
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Wayland Neace
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:55 am

Whats this about an unfinished torrent?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:55 am

Well the coming out of the ground and this being number 2 sorta reminds me of Gears of War 2 with the Underground Nexus and Rust Lung...

As long as it's still quite original I'll be happy...can't wait to see the story of how Alcatraz got hands on the suit first and the C.E.L.L. trying to kill him.
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