» Wed Oct 19, 2011 5:12 pm
It always annoyed me in Oblivion when things would go after my horse, even after I directly engaged them in combat, and fighting multiple enemies at once made it particularly irritating. Generally speaking, I think all enemies should prefer to target the human player over their horse (exceptions being made for things like the player is running away and not actively engaging, but the horse is still close to them). If enemies are going to like attacking our horses even when we're nearby - especially if it happens even when we're directly involved in the combat - maybe we should ask for some horse armor? :angel:
'Course, according to the link in the OP, it sounds more like they attacked the horse while he was still on it, which I think is fine (though some form of mounted combat would indeed be neato). I think the real problem arises when enemies want to keep attacking the horse after you've dismounted and started damaging them.