I'm just wondering, if attackers and settlers can take the power armour with the fusion core, if attacked, can raiders and such steal whatever you have put away in a container or safe or anything you have at a settlement?
Not that I know of, although the settlers can (except for a safe that is).
Yes. Raiders can and will steal anything including your power armor if AI decides to do so.
But stealing would be low priority in their AI behavior unless they dropped weapon. They rather kill you with what they have than steal because they don`t know better.
On the side note,
a power armor stealing raider can spawn rarely near Atom Cat Garage.
This raider will go straight to steal the power armor if there is unmanned power armor available in the area.
He/she usually has 3-4 fusion core in the inventory which can be looted after killed.
I`m not sure but it never happened to me and I don`t hide anything in safe. I know that settlers can take food and water from workshop ( if they have nothing else to eat and to drink).
I had 5 power armor stolen at once by settlers in sanctuary during my very first sanctuary defense... one of them was stolen by Vault Tec rep.
and my friend lost entire frame because a raider stole it and refused to give back to him haha
So just know any power armor with fusion core installed is free for anyone to take.
I just had this happen with a power armor I stole from a BOS soldier, The soldier would steal it back (even with the power core removed) but then return it, however at one point it didn't look like he was going to get out of it, so I tried stealing the power core and he caught me so I had to kill him but by doing so, I lost the frame but still had armor pieces. So.............. I moved my settlement location since then from the red rocket by sanctuary to the island (that took hours to do having over 30 power armor suits to move back and forth) However, upon visiting sanctuary yesterday I was walking past the red rocket and standing in the middle of the lot (normally where that original stolen armor was parked at before the move ) is a full BOS T60 power armor, with a fresh power core in it...... don't know what happened or why that happened but either way, thanks!
I noticed few fusion core removed power frame regenerating fusion core in it in Prydwen but I never realized it also applies to the power armor pieces.
You can steal fusion core then kill the person in Prydwen, and they will be replaced with brand new power armor wearing knights.
I wonder if this makes it possible for us to have Prydwen full of empty power armor suits...
I also killed people at Point Echo... but unlike what wiki says it seems like they never respawn.
[censored] wiki... and their unverified wrong infos..
Well.. the idiots there speak as if Furious legend option is good option for minigun.
I want that to happen to me. I hope that somenone soon launch a mod that lets you assign a settler for a PA.
I have over 20 settlements, need some reliable captains in brights PA to command they appointed place.
that's weird IrwinDustin.. because a couple of suits I stole from the BOS soldiers one was on the Prydwen and one was at the airport they never regained their suits to this day they are standing on guard without them carrying their mini guns, but on those two occasions when I stole the power cores out of them the soldiers did nothing, they just got out and started walking around and I got in the armor right in front of them and they did nothing...... nothing at all.....so I took that opportunity to fast travel to my base and park the suit.
Yeah. If you stole them and leave the person outside, next respawned people will stay without wearing power armor.
...you have to kill them to get them respawn with power armor. I tried this because I missed power armor soldiers walking on board, and it worked luckily.
I probably should of mention that the BOS soldier I killed was in his suit at time when I killed him and I was using a cell rifle that turned him into ashes so the frame was completely gone when I killed him, so for the whole suit, frame and all to reappear after so much time had past is a head scratcher for me......
I liked it back in the previous games when you could just wear power armor and not worry about FC's.
I got out of my power armor out in the open one time to use a workbench and a damn caravan guard got in it and walked off lol. I couldnt get it back.