They dont see recoil of my weapons

Post » Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:12 am


last few days ppl on servers writing me that i have no recoil. But i see it and feel it on my client. Iam using maximum edition which i downloaded one week back and only one file which i changed is system.cfg (i also bought crysis 2 on dvd in past so i wanted to move my settings to new installation). Any ideas what to do? I bought this game cos of multiplayer so iam trying to solve this bug sooner than i will be banned on all classic servers. Thanks.

BTW here is my system.cfg:

; crysis2



log_IncludeTime = 1
sys_languages = "english,russian,polish,italian,czech"


g_language = Czech
sys_languages = "english,french,spanish,german,turkish"

s_SpeakerConfig = 2 ; 2 is stereo config, seems to provide more consistent quality compared to surround

s_FormatType = 3 ; 24 bit sample rate sound

cl_fov = 75 ; larger Field of View, not sure if it works properly

pl_movement.power_sprint_targetFov = 65 ; increased field of view when sprinting

r_DrawNearFoV = 75 ; draw near objects in our newly increases field of view

i_mouse_smooth = 30 ; disable mouse smoothing completely (0 should disable smoothing, but doesn't entirely)

g_skipIntro = 1 ; skips all intro movies

e_TerrainDeformations = 1 ; possible to deform terrain
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:09 am

Yeah... Heard the killcam is horribly bugged.
I got that remark once too and someone even initiated a votekick on me.

Don't worry about it too much : )

If the other players really persist, try to record your gameplays and post them online as a proof that you don't cheat.

Hope this helped.
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Tracey Duncan
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Post » Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:47 pm

Don't worry, killcam is bugged. I suggest that you using fy71 right ?
That gun have low recoil, just forget about that.

I noticed that you can improve your aim simply changing that command:
i_mouse_smooth = 0
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Post » Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:09 am

Don't worry, killcam is bugged. I suggest that you using fy71 right ?
That gun have low recoil, just forget about that.

I noticed that you can improve your aim simply changing that command:
i_mouse_smooth = 0

Actually, that gun has incredible recoil - SideToSide if i remember correctly.
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Post » Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:35 pm

ppl dont like FY71 so iam using SCAR. But when opponents camping or when in their team are ppl using FY i know how it works :-) But problem is, that ppl writes me that i have no recoil when iam using SCAR also :/ Thanx for your tip. i will try to turn off mouse smoothing :-)

BTW TCI ABFM 1978 kicked me from TIA server when i was recording that vid with words that he dont care about my vid he still dont see recoil and my video ended after few minutes. And if he already didnt give me ban he or someone else from TCI will do it nexttime.

I play only classic mod so i have only few servers where i can play
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Mon Jul 30, 2012 3:48 pm

I think it's something related to lag in game and this maintenance that went wrong. Last few days, people mostly don't have recoil in killcams.

Few days ago I votekicked some guy where I was pretty sure he had no-recoil cheat, but now I think I've done a mistake and I apologize to him if he reads the forum.
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Kevin S
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Post » Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:00 am

Yea, it's difficult these days to tell who's really using a recoil hack and who's not. To be safe, I dont vote-kick anyone for that reason. And to be honest, I still to this freaking day, dont know how to initiate a vote kick!
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Kayleigh Williams
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