» Tue May 08, 2012 4:17 am
Of all the TES provinces Black Marsh has the best potential for a darker experience, with horror elements. The feelings of fear, torment and claustrophobia would go hand in hand with water predators, swarming flies, rotting flesh, violent tribes and weird ceremonials. Alien fauna, alien atmosphere, hostile land all wanting you dead in a magical synergy. I surely hope they don't screw this up, it's too original and beautiful when I think about it. Big predators like dinosaurs (or some sort of big cliff-racer pterosaurs) would certainly fit that sort of deadly atmosphere. I'm also thinking of some supernatural enemies (like the smoke thing in Lost) that make you shiver when you see something cutting down the trees in your direction and nothing else. As impatient as I am to see Black Marsh (the mmo doesn't count, does it?) I hope they do it when they are ready (creatively and from a technology perspective) to make it truly alien and unforgettable.