anyone in a thalmor robe really. cicero is just trying way too hard to be memorably annoying.
or the battle-born guy who repeatedly threatens to bash my face in after we've already fought and i kicked his ass.
or nazeem, who seems to think getting to the cloud district 4 times a day to enchant isnt "often".
or really ANY child, because beth thought it cute to make them all as bratty and annoying as possible.
or... vignar gray mane who continues to call me stupid-looking after all that ive done for him.
or the guards threatening me for having a weapon drawn after ive just saved them all from a dragon.
or most NPCs in the game, since the dialogue system decrees that they all must chase after me to interrupt my current conversation by spouting the same threat/ insult/ life story theyve told me 23346545673 times before.
I hate being in a convo with an NPC who says "Ok, follow me" or "Let's leave, I'll meet you there" and then following them into a narrow hallway as they walk slowly and they just turn around and stare at me and start talking. I literally have to wait for every NPC to be completely out of the way before I go anywhere so that they don't just stop, prevent me from passing, and stare at me while saying pointles dialogue 10,000 times. "Quick, you have to find Esbern. Quick, you have to find Esbern. Quick, you have to find Esbern." I'd like to, but you won't get out of the freaking stairwell that only lets one person through at a time!