In the past, all the way back to Oblivion they always showed us a lot of stuff but with Fallout 4 that doesn't seem to be the case. What do you think this means?
In the past, all the way back to Oblivion they always showed us a lot of stuff but with Fallout 4 that doesn't seem to be the case. What do you think this means?
It means that they're confident that the games will sell extremely well without them having to show much of it.
I'm still hopeful that we'll get to see the Quakecon/Gamescom gameplay demo before release, and they've also promised the 7 SPECIAL videos, so I guess there's at least that to look forward to.
IMO I'd rather they said as little about it as possible. If there's one thing that annoyed me to no end about Skyrim, is the Bethesda Hype Train that came along with it. If I never see that train again in my life, I'll die a happy man.
Advertise, fine. It's how you make money, but there's a line somewhere between it and hype...and Beth didn't simply cross that line, they pole vaulted over it.
They most likely drop the cool stuff around October. maybe mid October or so. I assume that because they are middle of radroach hunting and they have stuff to do. So when they have "complete" product that is ready to be shipped. We see more from Fallout 4. From Marketing standpoint this makes sense. They are thinking what to show and what is the best moment to do it. To great large amount of buzz and interest. If they would drop "leaks" or actual marketing vids it would hurt the interest of consumers.
We just have to wait and see.
I have no idea dear Mini clamp. It would be great to see some vid, but i won't hold my breath because of it. Soon is a rather loose term to define time.
I don't know, I think they released A LOT at the E3 reveal. It's the fact that so much was shown at once, and such a long time ago, that people think they've barely seen anything of the game.
Although I do think another 10 minute video of gameplay (especially NPC interaction) would be nice.
I'm honestly loosing interest. A little tidbit would go a long way. Even if it's just walking around and looking at a tiny area.
Or the bathrooms at the office. Something, anything
Or they want to avoid a situation like in Oblivion where they have shown a lot of stuff that never made it's way in to the game. See Radiant AI and Gameplay-Videos from E3 before Oblivion was released. Same with Fallout 3 and the thousands of different endings. Those kind of things can and will backfire at you at some point. I would not go so far to call it faulty marketing, I simply have no clue what happened in production. But it definitely isn't nice when people ask you constantly what happened with the features/content that never made it's way in to the game.
So in that case it is maybe better to show as little as possible. I mean from Fallout 3 and what they have released so far about Fallout 4 you can get a rough image of what you can expect in the game. It probably will not be TO far away from Fallout 3s gameplay.
Given how late in the development cycle they were before announcing FO4, I doubt that there is any uncertainly about features being in the final release. I think the difference here is that they have nothing to prove.
When they released FO3, it was a new IP for them, so they had to show a lot more to give people an idea of what to expect. Now, it's enough to announce that FO4 exists and to show the little bit of gameplay that we saw at E3. As you say, between that and the past experience of FO3, we have a good idea of what we're getting. That's enough for most people to know whether they'll like FO4 or not.
Not only that, but we'd also likely have people complaining about having too much information, and that they are spoiling the fun of finding out for ourselves. Personally, I'm perfectly happy with the lack of information on Fallout 4.
There's nothing left to show, just wait to November.
Pole vaulted? I think they ran over it with a freight train. And boy did they under-deliver.
So...I'll be waiting for reviews on FO4--need to know just how low to set my expectations.
If I were to tell the truth, I currently seem not to care about the game at all anymore. I picked up the pip-boy edition after e3 but the lack of info since then I have not thought of the franchise once (just came back because the site was in my most viewed tab). Their strategy has lost them sales on other things as well, like the art book or their mobile game thing.
It's one thing to not want to over-hype your game, but you gotta keep interest in it as well.
People complaining about the lack of information but I quite like it.
Its very rare that we as gamers get to hop into an experience we are completely in the dark in, and im looking foward to it.
For new IP's this is different. However this fallout and beth you should pretty much know what type of game your buying.
It means we most likely not going to see fecal matter until Nov 10, all because of that village idiot who leaked that crappy footage on pormhub.
Stop obsessing over things that are beyond your control ffs. What does it matter if we don't hear anything until then? Are you worried you're going to drop dead in the 8 remaining calendar weeks before the game comes out?
Hey, if Todd Howard had his way they'd wait until the game was released to even announce it.
More time working on the game, and less time trying to build demos to show things off is better for the consumer in the long run. If people aren't sold already, they can wait and see how the game is upon it's release.