They listened to our complaints about Oblivion

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:39 pm

Oblivion's largest problem was its level scaling. I, someone on the Oblivion side in the MW vs. OB debate, know this as well as anyone on the forums. This was thankfully addressed in Skyrim, along with in Fallout 3. People wanted it to be more like Morrowind where you feel really accomplished once you were at a high level, something that Oblivion lacked mostly.

In Skyrim, the bosses at the beginning are challenging. They sometimes require health or magicka potions to be beaten. Later in though, the old bosses are easy and new bosses are introduced, a good idea. The problem is that this transition happens too fast. You get powerful too fast in Skyrim. I want wolves to have a fair chance at defeating me if there are three of them and they catch me off guard. I don't want to one hit all of them with an iron axe.

Morrowind saw the transition much slower. At the beginning of Morrowind it was extremely difficult to go into caves and fight things. Until about level 10, the equivalent of level 20 at least in Skyrim, many areas and caves were impossible to beat. Almost all daedric shines would have a dremora come after you if you took some of the treasure.

There were things like nix hounds and kwama foregers which could be one hit pretty easily at level 10 in Morrowind, but there were still areas where the average enemy was too difficult. Either I am not exploring enough in Skyrim, or this is just the way it is. Anyone else feel the same way?
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luis ortiz
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:59 am

I rather Beth listen a lot, than not at all.
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Robert Bindley
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