Was that actually a patch that got released? I don't remember downloading anything, all they did was say "its all better now provided you play with fewer people"
Well it was multiple things across the 3 platforms.
There was a serverside patch / tweak for xbox. Nothing that needed downloading i think.
For PS3 (correct me if I'm wrong PS3 people) I think there was a small update patch.
For PC there was a small download too.
It wasn't a full "fix everything patch" that is true. But it was an interim "workaround for now" patch.
It means they are actually doing something and haven't set up baths of money in the office so that they can lounge naked in them and smoke cigars while they talk about where they're going on holiday

Don't get me wrong: I'd love a little more communication. Something like "we're still looking at the issues, sorry" or "we found out that it was bob's fault and will spend the next 3 days beating him" would be nice. But really I'm happy to wait a little bit. Admittedly I'm on the PC so I don't get 1/2 the problems the Xbox gamers are having.