$180 a year is kinda steap. it would be good if it cost $60 at $5 a month, thats a fair enough price.
Just want to see lots of peaple playing this since itès a mmo after all.
$180 a year is kinda steap. it would be good if it cost $60 at $5 a month, thats a fair enough price.
Just want to see lots of peaple playing this since itès a mmo after all.
If you cant afford it don't play. Everybody would love to save 15 bucks, but that's not how MMOS work. How about this: you buy the cheapest version available of elder scrolls, get a free month, see if you like it, then pay 15 bucks if you want to continue playing. other than that, 15 bucks is standard for MMO, sorry.
people who want this f2p b.s it wont happen.
I think 15$ a month is outdated it should actually be 20$ a month due to inflation.
True that, thank god they're keeping it at 15.
With all the threads complaining about paying a premium for online games it really makes me wonder why I still pay 15/month for ultima online, EA the most vile of companies.
$15.00 has been the staple price for subscription based MMO's for the past 12+ years, we're lucky it's not more. I'm surprised that companies haven't raised to to $20.00 a month. Even at $20.00 a month, it would be cheaper than most other forms of entertainment over the course of a month. People complain about 15.00 for a month but will toss out $20.00 on a bar tab every friday night.
0.50 cents a day, if you can't afford that maybe you should rethink playing games in general.
can i put my vote in for cheaper gas prices?
Actually I think I will save more than $15 a month by playing ESO and paying monthly, instead of playing any of those f2p mmos out there.
Nah. They should charge the same as they are and accept donations for popular ideas that don't enforce gameplay change, without giving in-game bonuses to the donators.
Let us write an ESO liberal constitution.
It's like 50 cents a day. You'd spend more going to the movies once a month and buying food at the concession stand.
lulz you nubs still pay for gas
In other news, my buddy took his wife out for valentines and his steak dinner was over 30 dollars (not including hers or drinks). Yes, an obvious exaggeration, but still. I drop more than 15 dollars in caffeine within a week, that really is nothing if from USA.
I do sympathize for those in countries where money exchange rates svck or your country just hates you (Aussies paying 120 dollars for games)
As far as I know, they haven't announced the annual cost yet. Usually it's quite a bit cheaper than the monthly.
$15 is the industry standard for a AAA game. Asking for more portrays the company as greedy, asking for less portrays the company as having a subpar product. If you're going to charge a sub for a AAA game, i think $15 is the right number.
to fill up my chevy aveo 04 (oh yeah, come race me) i pay about 25 bucks.
Valentines day costed me nothing, why? in short words that's what happens when your an [censored] to everybody and h8 the world.
Caffeine - non existant in my life. i strive off of beef jerky and gatorade.
Btw, i paid 120.00 for my collectors edition because i selected 1 day shipping. Now i feel dumb because it will probably come on time no matter what.....
Should, would, could, whatever.
They'll charge the maximum that sufficient number of people are prepared to pay to keep the game running and successful. They're not running a charity, and there are plenty of us queuing up to throw our personal leisure budget at Zenimax.
This made me think of that glorious moment where u find a buck in an old pair of pants, and u realize that u can afford playing 2 more days with it .
lol... everything from now on will be converted into TESO play time.
*cashier hands back change* More TESO!
*find penny on sidewalk* More TESO!
If you can't afford a measly $15 a month, then you need to cancel your internet service. That's less than a trip to the movies, or a pizza, or a dvd, the list goes on and on. And like other's have mentioned, it should actually be higher considering $14.99 is a price from over 10 years ago, lol. I wish we still had gas prices from 10 years ago! http://www.gasbuddy.com/gb_retail_price_chart.aspx