if "they" won- a century later

Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 7:24 am

what would the wasteland be like if (insert name here) won and stayed in power?

the enclave: would have the most improvement, mabey end up seeing half decent roads and new buildings. a faint chance of being able to walk a mile with out something trying to kill you.

lyons BoS: some sort of feudal system, more settlements and BoS outpost. i dont think a lot would change.

the pit boss: mabey some sort of alexander the great empire, he seems like a smart guy but his soliders seem a tad stupid.

the rest:cant think of anything

what do you think?
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helen buchan
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:27 am

The Enclave (East Coast/West Coast):
United States of America.
Capital: Washington D.C.
Population: 20,000.

Everyone else would have died on the globe... Trees, animals, humans... The Enclave would be left alone with a massive stock of corpses lying around. They'd start slowly building cities and start the human progress again from the level of Stone Age, except that this time the human starts from America. Many would realize the damage they had done, and some would even go crazy. If they ever realized that thanks to them, the world will run out of oxygene and that they have no chances of rebuilding the world with such low manpower, the Enclave would survive but I don't think they would ever be able to leave the Capital Wasteland/California.

The Enclave (East Coast, Autumn's faction)

Mutants are dead thanks to Enclave-Brotherhood cooperation. The latter was forced to give up soldiers and tech to the Enclave, which is by far the dominant political figure in the Wasteland. Colonel Augustus Autumn passed away some six decades ago, and now the Enclave is being run by Colonel Julius Winter. He has his iron grip over everyone else, and everyone else are his private property. The Enclave has begun repopulating the Wasteland, and have isolated themselves from the locals. The Enclave starts to spread around, eventually reaching Midwest and Canada, until it reaches it's limits and collapses due to failures in their system.
The Wasteland lives, mutants and ghouls are dead, but the human stock will remain in their oppressed and humiliated state.

Lyons' Brotherhood

Mutants still run rampant. The war against the Enclave svcked so much power that the Brotherhood was severely weakened in quality and manpower. The wastes are in the same state as in 100 years ago. Just that there is no shortage of water now. Lyons is dead, his daughter too but her son is now ruling the Brotherhood. It has been reduced into a local army that recruits anyone interested and throws them into battles against Mutant pockets, Raiders, Talon Company and other nasties that roam the wastes.
Eventually, the Brotherhood will collapse due to the sheer impossible nature of it. The fractions of the once-proud Brotherhood start fighting each other for power. They all become aggressive Outcasts.

The Pitt

The system would have likely not changed. The system is too weak to expand yet too strong to collapse due to a foreign power let alone through own stupidity. The diseases spread by slaves and the rivers would likely spawn a deadly virus some day and would wipe out all the Pitt residents.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:11 am

Remember the Enclave can still use GECKs and any pre-war animals they have stored up, I doubt the calculating Enclave would have missed such an important flaw in their plan.
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:02 am

and of course, if the republic of dave won, the wasteland would have twice as much cowbell
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Daddy Cool!
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:12 am

An NCR ruled by members of the Enclave could have easily taken control of the wasteland eventually.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:00 pm

The Enclave: They would have arrested and attacked anyone they could see, wastelander, or raider, ghoul or super mutie, it wouldn't matter. John Henry Eden would still never be known to be a computer with advanced A.I, and the wasteland would still be a wasteland, but the only humanoids would be super mutants, and enclave

The Pitt: He would've passed the armor down to his daughter, her daughter, and her son. Depending on the power of the son, (lets call him Zero) would've spread out, but very, VERY slowly. They would eradicate the Wildmen, and most trogs, and spread out into the Capital Wasteland.

Wildmen (Pitt Enemies): With an unknown origin, they would have gotten more members, overthrown the raiders, and forced slaves (or raiders) to join them.

Republic of Dave: They would celebrate earning an inch from the wasteland.

Slavers: With enough power to rule, they would stop shipping slaves to the Pitt, and enslave everyone in the wasteland. Freedom fighters, and resistance troops with fail, again the heavy power of Eulogy's army.
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Petr Jordy Zugar
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 3:05 am

I think you all underestimate the power of the Republic of Dave. Who else has such a fair and unbiased democratic system that could unify the entire wasteland under one popularly elected leader, the great Dave?
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Jason King
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:31 am

Enclave have left the capital wasteland after 2277 and there wear a bouts are unknown. Lyons BoS is eventually reduced by attrition with their war against the supermutants. After their victory they try routing Raiders and Slavers and end up uniting those forces who hire Talon Company for additional support. The War eventually ends with all the four groups being completely depleted and most of the raiders' slavers and Talon Company leave the Capital wasteland. The remnants of BoS end up uniting the wasteland towns into an actual alliance that produces some form of government that is currently in power.

The Pitt eventually falls apart due to infighting most people end up leaving the Pitt forever the few who stay live on the outskirts of the city coming in to scavenge for supplies but not setting up in the city due to the Trogs.
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:48 am

For those thinking that the Enclave would be around 100 years after releasing FEV... you're wrong. The mutants may be gone, but the mutagens that caused them are not. The Enclave would mutate, and the FEV would do its thing on them. And lo and behold, FEV does what it always does: it goes awry.

Whether or not they could improve the wasteland is a moot point: they are dangerously foolish for trusting FEV; something not only inherently dangerous and unreliable on account of being a biological weapon but has an existing history of not doing what it was designed to do, and doing things it was not designed to do. If any Arroyo residents died from the FEV tests in FO2, that would prove it takes less than 100 years for mutations to occur in "pure" humans and their descendants from exposure to the surface environment that would trigger the modified FEV to kill the host. Tah-daa, FEV does what it was not meant to do yet again. Humanity is toast, as is all other life on Earth. Way to go, Enclave.

Fortunately, the Enclave being on the losing side is likely going to be the typical canon ending in the FO series.

Also, as for the BoS getting worn down from attrition... all Lyons has to do is get a clue and use the newfound knowledge of the Super Mutants' source and home base location, pay a visit to Fort Constantine to salvage together a nuke (or take Megaton's?), plow into the heart of the V87 complex, drop it off, fight back out, and feel the ground rumble beneath their feet. Then it's just attrition against the remaining muties... an attrition battle they have a far better chance of winning.
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 5:41 am

If the Enclave do return in the future it's not going to be in the capital wasteland and most likely their tactics are going to change considering there failed attempts most likely it will be a more political strategy then military. As far as FEV goes it might still be something there using but I doubt at this point most likely there going to conquer through proxy and just deal with mutant elimination through conventional methods.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:04 pm

Also, as for the BoS getting worn down from attrition... all Lyons has to do is get a clue and use the newfound knowledge of the Super Mutants' source and home base location, pay a visit to Fort Constantine to salvage together a nuke (or take Megaton's?), plow into the heart of the V87 complex, drop it off, fight back out, and feel the ground rumble beneath their feet. Then it's just attrition against the remaining muties... an attrition battle they have a far better chance of winning.

That's if you tell Lyons and even if you do Supermutants might have rallied there and I'm doubting Elder Lyons even knows about Fort Constantine or he probably would've secured those nuclear weapons if for no other reason to make sure know one uses them against him. Also with the Supermutant threat gone he has to now deal with Raiders, Talon Company Ferals etc. Just because the SMs would be out of the picture doesn't mean the BoS is now the undisputed power. A lot would also depend if the LW stayed around there's a chance he/she could've left the capital wasteland all together and never returned after the events in Broken Steel.
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Thu Apr 01, 2010 10:23 pm

That's if you tell Lyons and even if you do Supermutants might have rallied there and I'm doubting Elder Lyons even knows about Fort Constantine or he probably would've secured those nuclear weapons if for no other reason to make sure know one uses them against him. Also with the Supermutant threat gone he has to now deal with Raiders, Talon Company Ferals etc. Just because the SMs would be out of the picture doesn't mean the BoS is now the undisputed power. A lot would also depend if the LW stayed around there's a chance he/she could've left the capital wasteland all together and never returned after the events in Broken Steel.

With super mutants gone, there is nothing out there that is at least of low-range human intelligence out there as resilient as a power-armored soldier. Deathclaws? Wildlife. Yao guai? Wildlife. Ferals? Fall apart by looking at 'em cross-eyed ('cept the odd Glowing One and rare Reaver, nothing some squad tactics can't handle). Their ample supply of power armor and a logistical system for maintenance gives them an edge over the Talons. Plus, it seems that the Bros are far less likely to chicken out than the "Retreat, f@#%ing retreat" "this ain't what I signed up for" Talons. With muties out of the way, the Bros would have little to worry about from the Talons. They would have more to worry about from the Outcasts than from the Talons. And the Outcasts aren't packin' plasma weapons and vertibirds now like the Bros are after reaping the bounties from the Enclave, nor are the Outcasts able to produce freaking lightning bolt launchers. The Outcasts are also too busy http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Defender_Sibley
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:08 pm

With super mutants gone, there is nothing out there that is at least of low-range human intelligence out there as resilient as a power-armored soldier. Deathclaws? Wildlife. Yao guai? Wildlife. Ferals? Fall apart by looking at 'em cross-eyed ('cept the odd Glowing One and rare Reaver, nothing some squad tactics can't handle). Their ample supply of power armor and a logistical system for maintenance gives them an edge over the Talons. Plus, it seems that the Bros are far less likely to chicken out than the "Retreat, f@#%ing retreat" "this ain't what I signed up for" Talons. With muties out of the way, the Bros would have little to worry about from the Talons. They would have more to worry about from the Outcasts than from the Talons. And the Outcasts aren't packin' plasma weapons and vertibirds now like the Bros are after reaping the bounties from the Enclave, nor are the Outcasts able to produce freaking lightning bolt launchers.

This depends on a few things one yes the Brotherhood have better gear especially after the enclave war however they did still suffer losses from that. Even if they did nuke Vault 87 the assault to do that and the final purging of the supermutants is going to be a very bloody event leaving a lot of them dead. Turning attention to the raiders, there probably going to end up uniting them. As they would have better chance of success coming together then getting massacred individually. Eulogy isn't stupid he would probably go from trading slaves for caps with the Pitt to trading for ammo and weapons. Most likely Talon Company would either get hired or end up joining forces with the Raiders and Eulogy for self preservation. Also there's a chance the some of the Outcasts might join up here as well because there group fell apart some members deserted or they might want to get their hands on Enclave Tech that the BoS has. I still think the BoS is struggles are far from over. Even if they did win easily I don't see the BoS still being the BoS we see in the game. There finally starting to work with Rivet City and are showing signs of being permanently entrenched there which you see in the game when doing the BS side quests. Most likely an eventual form of government will spring up which they may start themselves or they'll just be absorb by it.

The Outcasts are also too busy http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Defender_Sibley

I know I'm the one who told you about that originally.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:45 am

I very much hope that the Enclave won't return as a major antagonist again. This would be boring and would make them another cartoonish villain. Same for super mutants. And I don't want the Brotherhood as part of the main storyline either.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Thu Apr 01, 2010 8:48 pm

I very much hope that the Enclave won't return as a major antagonist again. This would be boring and would make them another cartoonish villain. Same for super mutants. And I don't want the Brotherhood as part of the main storyline either.

Meh, I would think that in New Vegas the Enclave *hopefully appearing* will be more of a side faction. A small outpost you visit that you don't get attacked initially. And maybe the Enclave can make up a canon form of situation. Lets say New Vegas takes place after the events of F3. The Enclave haven't died out yet. The last ultimate Enclave base, is in HAWAII. VERTI-SURFING FTW!!!!
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Juanita Hernandez
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:21 am

I very much hope that the Enclave won't return as a major antagonist again. This would be boring and would make them another cartoonish villain. Same for super mutants. And I don't want the Brotherhood as part of the main storyline either.

Actually I'm excited to see if the REAL brotherhood of steel appears in new vegas
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Stryke Force
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Post » Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:55 pm

Enclave: It would just be a totalitarian world. Everyone would be pressed to cross breed with their cousins and sisters. :yuck:

Pitt Boss: It would be an intersting world, everyone would be enslaving one another.

BOS: Nothing new
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:38 am

Meh, I would think that in New Vegas the Enclave *hopefully appearing* will be more of a side faction. A small outpost you visit that you don't get attacked initially. And maybe the Enclave can make up a canon form of situation. Lets say New Vegas takes place after the events of F3. The Enclave haven't died out yet. The last ultimate Enclave base, is in HAWAII. VERTI-SURFING FTW!!!!

It might be totally cliche, but I'd love to see a Frank Sinatra II leading the Vegas Enclave...though also having shady deals with the Mafia on the side.
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 5:19 am

I'm predicting that New Vegas will basically be an expansion on the concept of New Reno that comprises the entirety of the game (or at least a major portion).

As for the Raiders uniting... heheheh, right. They're anarchists by nature. http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/7035/raiderdecorum.jpg. They'll either scatter crapping their pants the whole way or get fatally enlightened by a fusillade of laser fire. Whether or not Eulogy is still around depends on what is chosen as a canon ending: Did the LW do a little mini-Scourge in Paradise Falls or not in the course of the MQ? Talons... like I said before, a Bros soldier is superior to a Talon soldier on the simple matter that Bros are soldiers of discipline and Talons are soldiers of fortune. Talon soldiers are prone to running away because "this ain't what I signed up for". If the Bros come a'knockin, that's what the rank and file will be inclined to do in the face of power armored soldiers with laser and plasma rifles aplenty.
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:08 am

The Outcasts are also too busy killing each other and being generally dishonorable and unsoldierly.

You have to remember: in that incident, the second-in-command saw the commander ignoring their prime directive- letting a grubby idiot wastelander with no appreciation for technology (weither or not that is the case) have free run of a near-pristine technological stash. He just did what he thought best.
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:11 am

You have to remember: in that incident, the second-in-command saw the commander ignoring their prime directive- letting a grubby idiot wastelander with no appreciation for technology (weither or not that is the case) have free run of a near-pristine technological stash. He just did what he thought best.

He is still dishonorable and unsoldierly. He advocated reneging on a deal made in good faith by his commander, and then he also mutinied against his commander. Heck, even the top dog of the Outcasts, Casdin, was okay with transacting with wastelanders. If Sibley were a proper soldier, he'd lodge a protest with McGraw's superior, Casdin, who would then promptly tell him to stuff it. But no, he committed an act of mutiny.

As Jack Sparrow said... "The deepest circle of Hell is reserved for betrayers and mutineers."
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 5:39 am

As for the Raiders uniting... heheheh, right. They're anarchists by nature. http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/7035/raiderdecorum.jpg. They'll either scatter crapping their pants the whole way or get fatally enlightened by a fusillade of laser fire.

Self preservation can do some interesting things.

Whether or not Eulogy is still around depends on what is chosen as a canon ending: Did the LW do a little mini-Scourge in Paradise Falls or not in the course of the MQ? Talons... like I said before, a Bros soldier is superior to a Talon soldier on the simple matter that Bros are soldiers of discipline and Talons are soldiers of fortune. Talon soldiers are prone to running away because "this ain't what I signed up for". If the Bros come a'knockin, that's what the rank and file will be inclined to do in the face of power armored soldiers with laser and plasma rifles aplenty.

They might get an artillery strike or two drop on top of there heads if not a few mini nukes as well. Heaven forbid talon company throws some Sentry bots at them. After all we know how effective power armored troops are against them from the whole Raven Rock incident. :P

As Jack Sparrow said... "The deepest circle of Hell is reserved for betrayers and mutineers."

Doesn't really matter that group is destined to fail anyway.
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louise hamilton
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 5:01 am

Self preservation can do some interesting things.

Yeah, like give you an adrenal rush to run away even faster. ;)

I just really don't see Raiders doing anything but running or dying in the face of a theoretical Bros onslaught.

They might get an artillery strike or two drop on top of there heads if not a few mini nukes as well. Heaven forbid talon company throws some Sentry bots at them. After all we know how effective power armored troops are against them from the whole Raven Rock incident. :P

The Talons have Artillery. The Bros now have air power. ;) And weaponry that zots Sentry bots real good. One fly-by from on high with mini-nuke bombs and that arty position is a crater.

Doesn't really matter that group is destined to fail anyway.

Indeed. Depriving the wasteland of tech, being all but openly hostile against the denziens of the region, AND attacking their own because they don't think their comrades are hardcoe enough.
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Kat Ives
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:03 am

The Talons have Artillery. The Bros now have air power. ;) And weaponry that zots Sentry bots real good.

They have one vertibird that we know of (granted I believe they have a few more then that but I wouldn't say anymore then ten). As far as plasma weaponns turning sentry bots to toast explain that to the enclave who are tougher then the BoS. Granted they got telsa canons now but still a few mini nukes from Talon can deal with anyone using that weapon.

Overall I think if there was a major fight between them it can go either way the groups are both pretty even as far as advantages go.
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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Fri Apr 02, 2010 3:39 am

They have one vertibird that we know of (granted I believe they have a few more then that but I wouldn't say anymore then ten). As far as plasma weaponns turning sentry bots to toast explain that to the enclave who are tougher then the BoS. Granted they got telsa canons now but still a few mini nukes from Talon can deal with anyone using that weapon.

Overall I think if there was a major fight between them it can go either way the groups are both pretty even as far as advantages go.

I'm not seeing this evenness. I'm seeing power armored troopers equipped with a plentiful supply of energy weapons supported by airborne vehicles capable of dropping these mini-nukes you seem to be so interested in from the air, and possibly even Fat Men interspersed among the troops themselves (remember you find probably your first Fat Man on a dead Bro in GNR Plaza), with a support personnel in the form of Scribes of the Sword and Shield... against those without power armor, with laser weapons if they're lucky, artillery that will be bomb fodder for the Bros' air support, (apparently) no support personnel and a propensity to flee if going up against such a superior force "ain't what they signed up for".

As the Bros like to say... "You're facing superior weapons and training! SUBMIT!"
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