Thief build help?

Post » Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:57 pm

Im making a thief khajiit right now, and i have this so far, parentheses is the number of skill points needed:

Sneak: Stealth 2/5, everything on left tree except shadow warrior (6)

Pickpocketing: Light fingers 2/5, Night thief, extra pockets, cutpurse (5)

One-handed: armsman ?/5, bladesman 3/3, fighting stance, critical charge, savage strike (7-12)

Block: shield wall ?/5, everything else (9-13)

Smithing: light armor side + arcane blacksmith (6)

Enchanting: 3/5 Enchanter, everything except soul siphon (10)

Archery: 5/5 Overdraw, 2/3 Crit Shot, everything but hunters discipline and ranger (13)

Illusion: Novice Illusion, Illusion dual casting, Apprentice illusion, Adept Illusion, Right side of the tree (7) (this is purely for invisibility and muffling)

Speech: Haggling 5/5, left side of tree (10)

Lets just say i put 2 into the /5 perks im not sure about, I'll have used 68/81 perks. Should I put more into light fingers in pickpocketing (anymore is really unnecessary), and what else should I put my skills into? My combat abilities as a thief worry me
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Josh Trembly
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Post » Sun Jul 14, 2013 2:13 am

Sorry accidentally double posted this
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Julia Schwalbe
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