Thief class totally broken

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:50 am

After finishing the main quest I decided to video my exploits playing as a thief, and feel that the class is totally broken.

Completely overpowered at ~lvl25 with no effort, no attempt at crafting or to use the whole variety of my skills, no fun.

I've included a that succinctly describes how I feel toward the class/game - not sure if I'm playing it through again but suffice it to say I was less than impressed with how quickly the game broke, and how little it offered at the highest difficulty.

Please look at my suggestions at the end of the video and I would welcome anyone who has anything to say about it, as the class I thought would be fun has totally ruined the experience for me.


This isn't any more broken than an archer using Shadow Warrior. I also like how the TC confuses "Thief" with "Mage that sneaks".
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:48 am

For the love of God would people please learn that there is a difference between



I would take these threads much more seriously if they could.

i agree 100% how the hell is a class broken........when the OP is playing with all the bells and whistles!! strip down and play naked with fists if you want a challenge!!
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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:10 am

i agree 100% how the hell is a class broken.....

.....when the only places 'classes' even exist are in peoples heads.
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:08 am

Another small thing I noticed:

How did he reach 100 sneak at "around level 25"?
Not that it isn't possible, but I sneak a lot and am not even close to that.
OP didn't, by chance go into sneak mode close to some stationary npcs, face a wall, hit the "move forward" button and then just let the game run for a couple hours?
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:21 pm

im just gonna add a totally constructive; Meh

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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:38 am

"Mage class is overpowered!"
"Warrior class is overpowered!"
"Thief class is overpowered!"

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louise hamilton
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:35 pm

Another small thing I noticed:

How did he reach 100 sneak at "around level 25"?
Not that it isn't possible, but I sneak a lot and am not even close to that.
OP didn't, by chance go into sneak mode close to some stationary npcs, face a wall, hit the "move forward" button and then just let the game run for a couple hours?

He's using spells and enchanted gear, not sneak. Like I said, it's funny that he says "Thief" when he means "Mages that sneaks (or rather causes the same effect)".

"Mage class is overpowered!"
"Warrior class is overpowered!"
"Thief class is overpowered!"


No idea who ever said "Mage class is overpowered", unless you mean the mouth breathers who haven't actually played one. The only Mage that is overpowered is the NPC version.
Warriors are not overpowered, smithing is overpowered and smithing + enchanting breaks the game.
"Thief" class is not overpowered, Shadow Warrior and any other effect that makes you undetectable is.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:26 pm

Overpowered Yes, but everything you do to become that overpowered is optional. Don't take the x15 times dagger damage perk, problem solved.
Playing like that is against everything RPG stands for.
It's just terrible.

There are some serious flaws with invisibility in this game.
Invi-spell should have resonably high cooldown (maybe related to illusion skill), or higher enemies might still have a chance to detect you, or etc.
The way it's now is indeed gamebreaking.
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Elle H
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:01 am

Anybody who says you have NO challenging fights except for dragons on master difficulty as an assassin is lying or abusing all 3 crafting skills together.

Yes, with a high level of sneak you are very you should be. If you are truly playing on master, you know the consequences of what happens when a named enemy or a [censored] bear catches you out of stealth. My assassin is level 22 with 89 sneak, yesterday a bandit marauder caught me just as I was trying to backstab him because he was in a decently lit area and guess what, he turned around, smacked me in the face once and I was dead. Meaning if I wasn't able to one shot him, he sure as hell was going to do it to me.

People who say you can sneak around in daylight and never get caught are lying. Enemies can still see you outside during the day fairly easily.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:06 pm

He's using spells and enchanted gear, not sneak. Like I said, it's funny that he says "Thief" when he means "Mages that sneaks (or rather causes the same effect)".

His sneak skill is at 100, I know that he can only pull that stuff in the vid of due to generous usage of invisibility and enchanted gear, but 100 sneak sure help.

No idea who ever said "Mage class is overpowered", unless you mean the mouth breathers who haven't actually played one. The only Mage that is overpowered is the NPC version.
Warriors are not overpowered, smithing is overpowered and smithing + enchanting breaks the game.
"Thief" class is not overpowered, Shadow Warrior and any other effect that makes you undetectable is.

There are some who claim that by maxing destruction and using certain enchantments (*cough* zero mana cost *cough*), you can stun-lock enemies.

I'm not so sure about the whole "overpowered" claims. Those skills are giving you the possibility to make some very strong stuff, yes, but usually only after you invested much time into leveling them. Reduce their strength and you get a whole lot of people complaining about how those skills are useless/too weak...
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kitten maciver
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:20 pm

His sneak skill is at 100, I know that he can only pull that stuff in the vid of due to generous usage of invisibility and enchanted gear, but 100 sneak sure help.

There are some who claim that by maxing destruction and using certain enchantments (*cough* zero mana cost *cough*), you can stun-lock enemies.

I'm not so sure about the whole "overpowered" claims. Those skills are giving you the possibility to make some very strong stuff, yes, but usually only after you invested much time into leveling them. Reduce their strength and you get a whole lot of people complaining about how those skills are useless/too weak...

I already know about Impact, but that doesn't actually increase your damage. Needing -100% cost reduction to kill something is ridiculous anyway. You don't *need* Smithing or Enchanting at all on Expert or below to have a much easier time as any other class, and on Master you don't need more than just Smithing for damage. Enchanting would be just for resists and maybe a single +%dmg item.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:50 pm

No idea who ever said "Mage class is overpowered", unless you mean the mouth breathers who haven't actually played one. The only Mage that is overpowered is the NPC version.

I assume meant destruction right?

Step 1: Two dremoa lords
Step 2: Mayhem
Step 3: ????
Step 4: PROFIT!
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:56 pm

I assume meant destruction right?

Step 1: Two dremoa lords
Step 2: Mayhem
Step 3: ????
Step 4: PROFIT!

The Conjuration tree is the only Mage tree that can compete on the higher difficulties (pets scale!). Have fun slogging through 25+ levels of getting one-shot again and again unless you exploit the game and just cast Soul Trap a few hundred times at level 1. After that, have fun just sitting there as your summons do everything for you since your own damage svcks. Nobody said Mages couldn't beat the game like everyone else. Just the way that you are ushered down a very specific path to do so is extremely annoying and not fun to play at all.
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:51 am

The video claims to use an unmodified game, but he has two blades of woe? See 1:20.

Try the quest about killing the dark brotherhood, and tell me its not possible without mods again.
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Abi Emily
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:02 pm

How is that even considered a thief build? I'm playing a pure archer/dual wield daggers/light armor thief with no magic. I'm level 34 with 100 sneak, all perks, and I still can't walk up to any high level NPC in a bright area. Hell, the Thalmor elves detect me even in the dark at times if not careful. The OP was using all kinds of magic in that video. And I'm sorry, there's no way to max sneak that early without the rubber band trick. I do nothing but sneak and I only hit 100 at level 32.
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KIng James
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:02 pm

The Conjuration tree is the only Mage tree that can compete on the higher difficulties (pets scale!). Have fun slogging through 25+ levels of getting one-shot again and again unless you exploit the game and just cast Soul Trap a few hundred times at level 1. After that, have fun just sitting there as your summons do everything for you since your own damage svcks. Nobody said Mages couldn't beat the game like everyone else. Just the way that you are ushered down a very specific path to do so is extremely annoying and not fun to play at all.

I hear very positive things about illusion too. Problems seem to be more destruction-centric than casters in general.
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Leonie Connor
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:00 pm

How is that even considered a thief build? I'm playing a pure archer/dual wield daggers/light armor thief with no magic. I'm level 34 with 100 sneak, all perks, and I still can't walk up to any high level NPC in a bright area. Hell, the Thalmor elves detect me even in the dark at times if not careful. The OP was using all kinds of magic in that video. And I'm sorry, there's no way to max sneak that early without the rubber band trick. I do nothing but sneak and I only hit 100 at level 32.

It isn't. It's a Mage that backstabs.

I hear very positive things about illusion too. Problems seem to be more destruction-centric than casters in general.

Invis/Frenzy. Even though Frenzy doesn't matter on single target boss fights. The game is built around damage, not manipulation, even though there are times where using Frenzy as a form of damaging CC is useful, it's still situationally good. It's also very slow to level unless you just cast the same spell over and over again and aren't actually playing the game.
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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:50 pm

dont worry mods will come along and make the game harder.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:53 am

Broken?, Morrowind was easy, Oblivion was easy and Skyrim is easy; what do you expected?, you should know better. TES is not about challange, never was...

You want a challange?, get a life.
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:21 am

Invis/Frenzy. Even though Frenzy doesn't matter on single target boss fights. The game is built around damage, not manipulation, even though there are times where using Frenzy as a form of damaging CC is useful, it's still situationally good. It's also very slow to level unless you just cast the same spell over and over again and aren't actually playing the game.

I find casting muffle as you wander about helps keep its pace with other skills. You're right though, it does seem to skill up really slowly given how infrequently you actually need to cast most spells.

The charm/peace/harmony/whatever it's called is really good too. I've had it work on bosses. There's no lockout time, you can charm>smack>charm>smack ad infinitum. That is, if you wish.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:33 pm

How is that even considered a thief build? I'm playing a pure archer/dual wield daggers/light armor thief with no magic. I'm level 34 with 100 sneak, all perks, and I still can't walk up to any high level NPC in a bright area. Hell, the Thalmor elves detect me even in the dark at times if not careful. The OP was using all kinds of magic in that video. And I'm sorry, there's no way to max sneak that early without the rubber band trick. I do nothing but sneak and I only hit 100 at level 32.

It's possible to come close to it that early. At level 22 mine is 88 (didn't exploit or anything). It's probably because I only really use daggers though and not archery so I'm always having to close in on the NPCs.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:39 am

Its a question of what you want out of the game. I find it ironic that people cookie cut builds in order to beat things easily and then complain about it (sic)

You'll get the most enjoyment out of the game if you don't look to min/max in this manner but decide to roleplay different playstyles and characters.

I have one thief character, Silk, Taking Perks in Sneak, 1-h, light armour, speech, pickpocket, lockpicking. And I'm goign to roleplay him in the manner of a good natured kleptomaniac. who basically goes and steals what he wants whilst also doing good deeds, with the only perks in smithing sufficient to improve magic weapons, but not actually any of the further improvement/crafting perks, no enchantment perks and no magic perks.

He's not going to join the Dark Brotherhood, and I haven't decided which side to take in the Civil War. I'll work him up to Grand Master of the thieves guild and taking in other faction quests in line with that.

I have another character who's an assassin.
Light Armour, 1-h, Sneak, Alchemy, smithing(no dwarven, orc, ebony, or daedric), enchanting as assassins are loners and need to take care of their own needs. Again no magic.

He'll be doign the Dark Brotherhood quests, he steals when necessary but doesn't have the perks in pp or lp to make a profession of it. He has no morals, and helps people out of self interest for what he might get at the end of it, rather than any good nature.

An then another character, a Paladin, Called Paks.
1-h, heavy armour, restoration full perk tree except for dual casting and reduced expert/master costs, destruction ( fire improvement perks only), smithing, enchanting. Speech for persuade and intimidate perks.

Uses the Alteration and the restoration shields. Uses fire spells against undead (damage perk from resto tree).
Will join the companions as well as the magic faction and will look to take down the dark brotherhood and the thieves guild.
No stealing,

Then I'll also have a destro/Alteration/restoration mage and a soldier of fortune merc ( dual wielding, light armor, smithing, enchanting)

some of these will be more powerful than others, but it will be the aim to roleplay them rather than min.max and steam through the game without a challenge.

As such I'll see the majority of quest lines over different games rather than finish them all on one overpowered character.

Then we'll see what improvements mods bring.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:12 am

I am fascinated that someone is complaining that a game is too easy.

If the game were far too difficult there would be a multitude of threads about game toughness and even less players.

If the game is too easy try playing a pure mage. I hear those guys get their butts handed to them

besides, would you even play a game that was too hard to play?

I don't think you remember a time when games like blackthorne for the SNES were so freaking difficult they weren't even fun. or if you want a huge challenge, play fallout 1 or fallout tactics

i think the ability to sneak behind enemies backs is totally awesome and I bet a few people on here would agree

I think what people mean that they don't feel rightfully challenged, expert SHOULD be for the people who wants balls to the wall hard, without having to put restrictions upon themselves
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:09 am

Games tend to be designed and balanced at average players, not people who google the crap out of every aspect of the metagame and tweak that one last DPS out of their character just because they want to be 100% most powerful thing possible.

Average players play on Easy or Normal Difficulty.

In other rpgs, if you want to play on highest difficulty, you're expected to use every tool at your disposal and optimize the growth of your character through min/maxing. In Skyrim, this breaks the game because highest difficulty suddenly becomes as challenging as Novice.

To be honest, if you're not playing on Master difficulty (at high levels, because the game is still balanced quite well before you start hitting 30+), please just shut the [censored] up when it comes to balancing discussions.
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lillian luna
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:40 am

Average players play on Easy or Normal Difficulty.

In other rpgs, if you want to play on highest difficulty, you're expected to use every tool at your disposal and optimize the growth of your character through min/maxing. In Skyrim, this breaks the game because highest difficulty suddenly becomes as challenging as Novice.

To be honest, if you're not playing on Master difficulty (at high levels, because the game is still balanced quite well before you start hitting 30+), please just shut the [censored] up when it comes to balancing discussions.

And in most RPG's min/max obliterates the challenge at any difficulty level too.

Shut up about balance? How about shutting up if you're suggesting altering EVERYONES gaming experience because a small subset exploit like fiends and its cry that it is 'too easy'? How about that?

This is not about balance, this is about selfish players crying and wanting to modify everyones experience so THEY can be happy.
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