» Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:39 am
Its a question of what you want out of the game. I find it ironic that people cookie cut builds in order to beat things easily and then complain about it (sic)
You'll get the most enjoyment out of the game if you don't look to min/max in this manner but decide to roleplay different playstyles and characters.
I have one thief character, Silk, Taking Perks in Sneak, 1-h, light armour, speech, pickpocket, lockpicking. And I'm goign to roleplay him in the manner of a good natured kleptomaniac. who basically goes and steals what he wants whilst also doing good deeds, with the only perks in smithing sufficient to improve magic weapons, but not actually any of the further improvement/crafting perks, no enchantment perks and no magic perks.
He's not going to join the Dark Brotherhood, and I haven't decided which side to take in the Civil War. I'll work him up to Grand Master of the thieves guild and taking in other faction quests in line with that.
I have another character who's an assassin.
Light Armour, 1-h, Sneak, Alchemy, smithing(no dwarven, orc, ebony, or daedric), enchanting as assassins are loners and need to take care of their own needs. Again no magic.
He'll be doign the Dark Brotherhood quests, he steals when necessary but doesn't have the perks in pp or lp to make a profession of it. He has no morals, and helps people out of self interest for what he might get at the end of it, rather than any good nature.
An then another character, a Paladin, Called Paks.
1-h, heavy armour, restoration full perk tree except for dual casting and reduced expert/master costs, destruction ( fire improvement perks only), smithing, enchanting. Speech for persuade and intimidate perks.
Uses the Alteration and the restoration shields. Uses fire spells against undead (damage perk from resto tree).
Will join the companions as well as the magic faction and will look to take down the dark brotherhood and the thieves guild.
No stealing,
Then I'll also have a destro/Alteration/restoration mage and a soldier of fortune merc ( dual wielding, light armor, smithing, enchanting)
some of these will be more powerful than others, but it will be the aim to roleplay them rather than min.max and steam through the game without a challenge.
As such I'll see the majority of quest lines over different games rather than finish them all on one overpowered character.
Then we'll see what improvements mods bring.