» Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:40 pm
I'm playing on Master difficulty as a Thief, level 26-27, sneak is about 90 & i still have to be carefull when attacking enemies with my bow. I'm easily spotted in light areas. I took the Assasin perk for the x15 damage, and i can kill some stronger enemies with Elven daggers if undetected, with 3-5 hits. I've invested nothing into 1h atm, although it's in the mid 30's level itself. So i can see how if you had the right dagger, it would be quite easy, throw in invisibility spells & it would be God mode. Still, for me Bears seem to be my achillies heel atm. I would say it's enjoyable atm, rather than easy. As others have said, if you want more of a challange, build your character a set way & avoid some of the easy Perks. Like what had to be done in Fallout NV.