Thief class totally broken

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:22 am

I was one hit backstabbing giants earlier than that, on Master, with the DB gloves and the Blade of Woe. It's the perk of being an stealth build. If I failed in my sneak though, I was the one getting one-hit. It's a trade off.

You're wearing the best gloves for backstabbing in the entire game and have the best non-crafted artifact dagger available.
I mean if you have the best possible perks, maxed skills and the best gear in the game shouldn't you be able to do that?

Should the rest of the game be made harder because the endgame gear makes things easy?
If that happened it would destroy someone like me. I don't know where to get those items yet.

My Rogue character is 25 and hasn't found those just in my general journey and my 43 Warrior hasn't found those either.
Maybe it's because I'm 70 hours in and still haven't even touched many of the other city's quests yet.
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:59 pm

They are meant to kill people before they get a chance to fight back. How is it overpowered? I don't sneak up to someones back and stab them just for them to turn around with 80% of their health left.

This... and only this.
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:39 am

This thread is really silly. This isn't an MMO. If you find something "overpowered" simply don't use it. On master difficulty I found sneak to only be overpowered if I used the 100 point sneak talent (because it let me run around one shotting everything even if they found me) or if I used invisibility pots or the power that makes you invis everytime you crouch for 120 seconds.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:00 pm

I can't help feeling when I read these "x class is broken/OP" comments that people must be metagaming or doing the equivalent of min/maxing their characters.

If you're finding combat too easy, why not try role-playing instead and taking some perks that are not combat related or outside of the class archetype? Perk out Speech even though it's not very useful, because your character is a silver-tonged devil? Or perk out lockpicking even though you mastered the mini-game without it, because it would fit your character to be a master lock-breaker?

I have 100 stealth and I still get detected a fair amount, and no armor perks whatsoever and using leather armor, and haven't put anything into health, so when I am detected in open terrain I have to find the sprint button fast to find somewhere to hide. My archery skill is around 60 and I've taken a couple of ranks of the first perk to increase damage, and the one that slows time when you use the block button with your bow drawn - I need to take enemies down quickly and be able to run away and hide, because if anything hits me I'll be toast. I've also perked out speech, lockpicking, and pickpocket as far as I can based on my skill level because it fits my character. I use 1 handed weapons if I have to but not very effectively, same with illusion if my hit and hide strategy fails me but I'm not playing a mage so don't have much magicka and do not get reduced cost spellcasting because I haven't put any perks into that.

I certainly wouldn't say being a thief/assassin is too easy, and I'm only playing on the default difficulty.

Stop min/maxing and try roleplaying, nothing is making you put perks into combat skills, in fact nothing is making you put perks into anything if you don't want to. The class isn't broken unless you break it by making things too easy for yourself.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:57 pm

There is a valid point being made here. There SHOULD be a difficulty level that is still challenging for those players who make a power build and get all the right items. If there's not, then there is no point in getting those items or doing that power build. It just ends up being overkill; you don't need it, so there's no real reward for doing it. And many players find it fun to figure out power builds and such. If there's no real point in it, then that fun is taken away.

With that said, you are supposed to be powerful if you make a power build with the best items and if it really bothers you, you CAN limit your effectiveness. You dont NEED those double backstab gloves for instance.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:14 pm

The point of being a stealth based character is to strike first and to strike hard. One hit kills should be normal for a stealth character, though if they engage in open conflict, you should get pulverized.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:33 pm

Basically, you put time into an RPG, you get really powerful. Working as intended.

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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:57 pm

They are meant to kill people before they get a chance to fight back. How is it overpowered? I don't sneak up to someones back and stab them just for them to turn around with 80% of their health left.


I'm almost pure thief, and use no magic skills (except maybe enchanting). I'm a ninja/alchemist/assassin etc. I love the stealth in this game...
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Luis Reyma
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:19 pm

The video claims to use an unmodified game, but he has two blades of woe? See 1:20.

It is unmodified, I stated as a youtube comment reply how I did it:


dark brotherhood poison and kidnap you after you sleep from murdering 'wench the kind' & returning to speak to kid avenus. pickpocket the lass when she's hanging off the shelf for a blade of woe.

Much? later on she gives you one cause she's benign like that
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:38 am

Only overpowered if your stealth enough not to ever be seen.....isn't that the point?

I have yet to "assasinate" a boss. Even when coming from behind with DB gloves.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:51 pm

Sneaky boots FTW

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Kayla Bee
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:52 am

Only overpowered if your stealth enough not to ever be seen.....isn't that the point?

I have yet to "assasinate" a boss. Even when coming from behind with DB gloves.

This response is to many of the comments I've seen:

I've listed a multitude of ways I've "policed myself" in order to keep the game challenging in the video, not least by intentionally neglecting to use a variety of my available skills, crafting skills as I'd wager they're open to exploitation/godmode status (even though I placed perks in them but decided against become more of a god), not levelling one-handed as they were powerful enough, not pickpocketing enemies weapons (yes even spirits can be pickpocketed pre-fight and sent into a frenzied panic) or gear etc.

Someone else said the more time you put into an RPG, the more powerful you get. Well, quite. But again I stated that this problem occurred in the level 20s, after a couple days, and without a mindset of trying to use exploitative measures. I'm sorry but that doesn't cut it for me.

More people stated that a thief class should be a glass cannon that ought to finish an opponent in one-hit or else face the consequences.. What consequences exactly? Without worrying about sound (abundant muffle boots) or sight (high sneak OR invisibility) there is no pretence of sneaking or trouble for bad choices - again stated in the video.

Please stop treating me as a troll as I do indeed hope mods are released to increase difficulty and no I do not expect to one-hit bosses (response to the post I'm replying to) on the highest difficulty, without trying, after a couple days.


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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:19 am

On master difficulty a game should be challenging no matter how you develop your character. If it allows you to play like in godmode there is something wrong.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:02 pm

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Amanda Leis
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:19 pm

skill boosting is nothing new. am I the only one that remembers a game called "Ultima Online" ??

Complaining about the ease of maximization of skills as it over-beefs your character too early and creates a dull experience is like being angry at the frying pan for frying chicken you placed into it after applying oil and turning on the stove.

You are an IDIOT if you ruin your own experience and then blame the dev for giving you the tools to do so. This is an action/RPG with a toolset giving you the player the helm of control to dictate your own adventure.

It's supposed to be "fun". Gamers are such entitled pansy whiners these days. In my day (lol, yes, i'm pulling an in my day statement) we had games that gave you 3 lives and when you died you had to play the whole game over again!
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:31 am

More people stated that a thief class should be a glass cannon that ought to finish an opponent in one-hit or else face the consequences.. What consequences exactly? Without worrying about sound (abundant muffle boots) or sight (high sneak OR invisibility) there is no pretence of sneaking or trouble for bad choices - again stated in the video.

Don't use muffle and don't use invis. We've said it multiple times. To balance yourself: No magic, no invis pots, no pickpocket weps, only 1 crafting profession if any, no 30x backstab gloves, no muffle boots. I think you'll find the backstab gameplay properly challenging and fun with these restrictions.

And nobody thinks it is 'balanced'. That has been what half the thread discussion is about, whether balance is something Bethesda should even care about or not.

And I don't think you've responded to the fact that there are much more powerful things in this game, like the fact that you can run around 1 shotting things on master WITHOUT SNEAK.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:46 pm

There is a valid point being made here. There SHOULD be a difficulty level that is still challenging for those players who make a power build and get all the right items. If there's not, then there is no point in getting those items or doing that power build. It just ends up being overkill; you don't need it, so there's no real reward for doing it. And many players find it fun to figure out power builds and such. If there's no real point in it, then that fun is taken away.

Yes! I agree sooo much.

Or at the very least optional bosses for people who min-max. Like Emerald and Ruby weapon in FF7. I don't understand why every RPG doesn't have a Ruby weapon. Criminal.
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:03 pm

skill boosting is nothing new. am I the only one that remembers a game called "Ultima Online" ??

Complaining about the ease of maximization of skills as it over-beefs your character too early and creates a dull experience is like being angry at the frying pan for frying chicken you placed into it after applying oil and turning on the stove.

You are an IDIOT if you ruin your own experience and then blame the dev for giving you the tools to do so. This is an action/RPG with a toolset giving you the player the helm of control to dictate your own adventure.

It's supposed to be "fun". Gamers are such entitled pansy whiners these days. In my day (lol, yes, i'm pulling an in my day statement) we had games that gave you 3 lives and when you died you had to play the whole game over again!

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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:35 pm

The op is playing a Nighblade, not a Thief.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:30 pm

I thought it was quite funny that just before each fight he typed "QQ"
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:18 pm

They are meant to kill people before they get a chance to fight back. How is it overpowered? I don't sneak up to someones back and stab them just for them to turn around with 80% of their health left.


How is that difficult to understand?

Traditional rogue/thief characters are glass cannons, emphasizing maximum damage output in as few strikes, because normally, a thief is not capable of just going toe-to-toe with enemies. I know that if I don't take out certain enemies, I better have a handy escape plan or else I'm dead and I have to reload.

It's like saying a Warrior/Knight type of character is overpowered because he can just strap on heavy armor and kill everything with a big sword while getting beat around and hardly taking much damage.

If you play according to the strengths of your given style, and do it well, you are going to be powerful, that's kind of the point. If you don't want to be powerful, be a mage who doesn't use magic at all, wears robes, and uses a dagger.

I cannot believe that this thread is still going on with the same bs claims being made about how playing to the strengths of a given style of play is somehow "overpowered" when you have to spec and build up your character to get to that point and use gear that enhances that even further on top of it all.

You're using the best gear for exploiting the maximum you can from sneak attack crits, and that's overpowered?

It'd be overpowered if you were doing it with iron daggers and without the gear equipped that enhances stealth play and sneak attack crits. Go one-shot a Giant with an iron dagger and without using the Dark Brotherhood gloves equipped. Should be no problem, right?

You really don't know what you're talking about, but good job on the trolling, you got plenty of attention for it.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:24 pm

Sorry all but i do share the same pain of the OP.

Pretty much the same stuff.

I built a sneaky character, absolutly no magic used. Conjuration/illusion stuck at initial values. Then i went for crafting stuff, enchanting and smithing.

Ok at level 46 at master the game is a joke. Actually, it was a joke 20 levels or so before.

You all yell at this guy "then stop to do X" "stop to use Y".

Sure. This is NOT how it is intended to work.

I'm running hugely def capped with dragonbone leather. I take no damage from melees and magic attacks . Actually, i don't even stab with daggers anymore, since i do much more damage stabbing with deadric swords.

Def magic is like 26+26+26+25 %, and i also have +50% frost resistance on boots. Cool, it's OP gear, won't use it.

Fine, now i'm running with nightingale (best looking armor, btw), mostly def capped, average magic resistance. Still pathetic easy.
Stopped using even my nightingale, i'm now running with a leather armor, like 520 armor now, 30% magic def. At least i got some damage from flying drake. I can spam healing pots, so i stopped using them. I also stopped using conjuration heals. In fact, i don't heal at all now, just the rec from 33% higher health regene. Not using abosrb health enchant nor the paralyze one.

I used to go around with fully enchanted deadric maces. Damage was insane, i had like 890 total (i refused to use the alchemy - enchanting loop bug). Was hitting so hard that i actually stopped going sneak. Stabbing with 12*880 was much higher the stabbing with 210*30 daedric daggers. Stopped using those blades, reverted to just a single dagger. Still one shotting (or very close to) with just a daedric dagger. Still to much, now i use dwarven maces. it takes me some more attacks, but it's like 4 attacks to an ancient dragon, 3 to a giant. Still to much, i stopped using marked for death shout to at least have a challange in the very few times i'm forced to go open melee.

Yeah, because i also had to not use Invis pot, shouts or magic.

Since higher sneaking and mufle stuff almost make you undetectble, i quite stopped enchanting/upgrading things. At least now if they do see me, i'm dead. Cool. Stopped placing poisons on othesr pockets, stopped usiong CC-Shouts / talents.

Last two days i played as a marksman. Like 62 skill level, daedric bow, 2 perks invested. AI took ages to spot me, i kept steam rolling every elite and boss i met.

Now i'm playing as a caster. 31 or so destruction, a caster set entirly brought from vendors. It took me ages to kill an average bandit. Dieng almost every 6 seconds.

I invested loads of hours as a rogue, loved the class, but for the challange i felt forced to go mage.

50 euros spent and, if i want a challenging master-difficulty run i need:

-Avoid using daggers and/or dual wielding "almost" high end craftable gear.
-Avoid using high end armor
-Avoid using enchants : absorb health, paralyze, stacking +one hand damage, stacking +fortify light armor, fortify magfic resistance
-Avoid using combination of poisons/pots --> no alchemy
-Avoid using Shouts: No marked for death, no disarm shout, no gap closer dash, no freeze shout.
-Avoid using unique armor sets like the DB ones or Nightingale.
-Avoid using high end Bows
-Avoid using two different magic schools.
-Avoid using "unique" power such as the nightingale stealth, and the immolation thing from DElves (yeah because of the insane AoE damage or damage @ weak-to-fire foes)

I can actually keep going forever, yet you have no right to criticize this guy for his play style, because we can't dump this game so much to the point half of the features are "ethically" taken away by our love for this game and the efforts to keep it challenging.

This is the same of a sneaky or not marksman as well, and i dunno if the games just get totally broken even when playing a caster with unique +fortify spell school +fortify magika regen stuff stacked stuff. It for sure became utterly broken for a warrior that, even by mistake, got to the defense cap + average magic defense.

In this department, Skyrim failed so hard it's hard to believe.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:32 pm

sh0ckv3l's post explains perfectly how the game is broken and how you have to refrain from using half of the abilities or worse, CHANGE A CLASS, if you want some challenge. That is not balance.
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:27 pm

Sorry all but i do share the same pain of the OP.

Pretty much the same stuff.

I built a sneaky character, absolutly no magic used. Conjuration/illusion stuck at initial values. Then i went for crafting stuff, enchanting and smithing.

Ok at level 46 at master the game is a joke. Actually, it was a joke 20 levels or so before.

You all yell at this guy "then stop to do X" "stop to use Y".

Sure. This is NOT how it is intended to work.

I'm running hugely def capped with dragonbone leather. I take no damage from melees and magic attacks . Actually, i don't even stab with daggers anymore, since i do much more damage stabbing with deadric swords.

Def magic is like 26+26+26+25 %, and i also have +50% frost resistance on boots. Cool, it's OP gear, won't use it.

Fine, now i'm running with nightingale (best looking armor, btw), mostly def capped, average magic resistance. Still pathetic easy.
Stopped using even my nightingale, i'm now running with a leather armor, like 520 armor now, 30% magic def. At least i got some damage from flying drake. I can spam healing pots, so i stopped using them. I also stopped using conjuration heals. In fact, i don't heal at all now, just the rec from 33% higher health regene. Not using abosrb health enchant nor the paralyze one.

I used to go around with fully enchanted deadric maces. Damage was insane, i had like 890 total (i refused to use the alchemy - enchanting loop bug). Was hitting so hard that i actually stopped going sneak. Stabbing with 12*880 was much higher the stabbing with 210*30 daedric daggers. Stopped using those blades, reverted to just a single dagger. Still one shotting (or very close to) with just a daedric dagger. Still to much, now i use dwarven maces. it takes me some more attacks, but it's like 4 attacks to an ancient dragon, 3 to a giant. Still to much, i stopped using marked for death shout to at least have a challange in the very few times i'm forced to go open melee.

Yeah, because i also had to not use Invis pot, shouts or magic.

Since higher sneaking and mufle stuff almost make you undetectble, i quite stopped enchanting/upgrading things. At least now if they do see me, i'm dead. Cool. Stopped placing poisons on othesr pockets, stopped usiong CC-Shouts / talents.

Last two days i played as a marksman. Like 62 skill level, daedric bow, 2 perks invested. AI took ages to spot me, i kept steam rolling every elite and boss i met.

Now i'm playing as a caster. 31 or so destruction, a caster set entirly brought from vendors. It took me ages to kill an average bandit. Dieng almost every 6 seconds.

I invested loads of hours as a rogue, loved the class, but for the challange i felt forced to go mage.

50 euros spent and, if i want a challenging master-difficulty run i need:

-Avoid using daggers and/or dual wielding "almost" high end craftable gear.
-Avoid using high end armor
-Avoid using enchants : absorb health, paralyze, stacking +one hand damage, stacking +fortify light armor, fortify magfic resistance
-Avoid using combination of poisons/pots --> no alchemy
-Avoid using Shouts: No marked for death, no disarm shout, no gap closer dash, no freeze shout.
-Avoid using unique armor sets like the DB ones or Nightingale.
-Avoid using high end Bows
-Avoid using two different magic schools.
-Avoid using "unique" power such as the nightingale stealth, and the immolation thing from DElves (yeah because of the insane AoE damage or damage @ weak-to-fire foes)

I can actually keep going forever, yet you have no right to criticize this guy for his play style, because we can't dump this game so much to the point half of the features are "ethically" taken away by our love for this game and the efforts to keep it challenging.

This is the same of a sneaky or not marksman as well, and i dunno if the games just get totally broken even when playing a caster with unique +fortify spell school +fortify magika regen stuff stacked stuff. It for sure became utterly broken for a warrior that, even by mistake, got to the defense cap + average magic defense.

In this department, Skyrim failed so hard it's hard to believe.

In other words, because you exploited every last possible advantage to the absolute maximum for the benefit of stealth and sneak attack crits, it makes it overpowered.

No, it means just exactly that, you exploited every last possible advantage available to stealth and sneak attack crits, and obviously it's going to result in you becoming quite formidable when relying on stealth and sneak attack crits. That's not overpowered, that's a perfectly logical and sensible result of the fact that you: Exploited every last possible advantage that benefits stealth and sneak attack crits.

It would be overpowered if you were able to do all that without using anything to the advantage of using stealth and making sneak attack crits. It would be overpowered if you were able to one-shot Giants with an iron dagger on a sneak attack crit.

Are you really expecting a challenge to remain when you exploit every last possible advantage to your given play style, especially concerning sneak attack crits and the bonuses that they can have from the Sneak perk tree, and especially when you use gear that benefits it?


Hey, I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:30 pm

Did you perhaps not notice that he has plenty of spells to aid him in those specific encounters?

I guess I made a good decision by not using any magic with mine then.
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