» Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:24 pm
I started over from my 33 dual wield orc, that had max smithing and minor enchants.
Even unenchanted gear, it was too much. I could take some damage but....I mean, legendary dragon scale armor, with double legendary daedric swords.
Thats ok, but then ontop of that 75 in one hand and dual wield that gives +100% damage on power attacks apart from the extra bonus from one handed, which is 80%.
As dual wielder you have 180% damage on your attacks, since you generally can afford to just spam power attacks.
Tried a destruction mage, it seems fine and balanced but not my cup of tea.
Now Im running a woodelf archer with sneak and bow. I have no secondary skills, and Im only using pickup gear I find.
Lvl 18 atm and managed to find a dwarven bow.
For close encounters Im using 2h, Im not even leveling one hand.
Since no Muffled sound although Im pretty silent, although I just recieved the *3 sneak attack damage on bows.
On expert I can take out a normal bandit with one shot. But if they are mediocre, I will take out half their health, and after the first shot Im spotted 75% of the time.
Im having a blast since all I have is one attack from stealth in general, and if there are several enemies Im need to kite, run, heal, and try and shoot, and in the end often picking up my 2h skyforged steel sword to try and smash them down, simply cause the bow attacks too slow for it to be useful in close combat, unless its just one.
Some encounters I have died 5 times in a row even on Adept, vs some bandit bosses (Im stacking full stamina, placed 1 level into hp so far, I will run with a low hp and high stamina build).
Anyway, Im having a blast but am forced to stay clear of alchemy, enchanting and mainly smithing.
Now, to be honest, I do have some smithing, but no perks. Im having it just so I can upgrade atleast a little. in general I can make bows like 10-15% better which is still ok.
But I wont take perks to make my own gear. If I want it, I need to find it, thats how I play now. I just started at lvl 17 to go from iron arrows to steel arrows.
Then again, ofc, my very first quest reward from whiterun after killing the initial dragon, was a hide helmet with +20% bow damage..........
Its replaced now anyway with a 10% increase all prices, from the thiefs guild armor set.
I want to play as clean from enchants as I possibly can, so I sold that hide helmet, it was a nice asset in early game but no longer required.
If I want to run silent, I need to invest perks. So I do have the perk in the light armor tree to be 50% more silent, but I wont use any muffled stuff. Thats ok with very low stealth.
Anyway, Im totally loving it now since I need to emply tactics in every fight and very often I need to run the heck out of there.
Most dungeon bosses, bandit leaders 1 shot me on expert, Im moving up to master soon but thats going to be a horse pain, but thats the fun part.
So, if you want challening game, you can make it so. The game gives you the option to steam roll through ot play it challenging.
Since I like smithing, I could not keep myself away from it, since I want some smithing atleast, bows dont have that good damage anyway.
But i want 60 in smithing so I can do my magic bows a little better. But since I dont have any perks, I can never make them beyond a certain point. And since i wont go further then 60, I can make my bows around 25%-30% better, which is rather much but not over the top, as if you take the proper perk you can make them 100% better, and with enchanting on top........
No thanks.
I ran around with an imperial bow until I was lvl 16. And I was just lucky to find a dwemer bow this early on.
Although tbh it had as much damage as the fera bow I had, it have lower weight though and look better.
Will stick with this for a long time since I know from my Orc, that glass bows wont start to show until around lvl 30.
Also, for my ranger (and I have hunters perk to get my arrows back) Im sticking to Iron and Steel arrows. Its good enough for me.