Thief class totally broken

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:44 pm

It's not fair that you have to join an evil group to get the best gloves for your role.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:02 am

It's the invisibility that is OP it seems. That draugr would have seen you if you wouldn't have been invisible.

As for it being OP, if you don't OHKO an opponent, your class has failed and you must finish everyone in a full assault. I think assassins are finally good, instead of not even being there like in oblivion.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:21 am

Except it doesn't. The final stealth perk does jack all in my experience.

Stealth only become ridiculous after I got multiple bits of +40% stealth armor enchanted at 100 stealth with all perks. Before that it was perfectly fine. And when you have perfect gear and max skills and perks...well it should be extremely powerful.

And even with +200% stealth at 100 stealth skill, there are plenty of enemies that detect me if I walk in front of them.

Of course nothing detects you if you are using Invis...but that has nothing to do with stealth.

Same. I have tested this exact same set of equipment and it is no 100% camouflage. You can still be detected in very well light areas. And stacking so much sneak lowers your damage output via weapon skill enchantments and survivability via magic resistance. It is strong, but not anymore than some of the other builds I can name.
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Nancy RIP
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:23 am

It's not too incredibly broken aside from the indoor lighting/detection inconsistencies....and the shadow warrior/sneak attack window thing.
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:45 pm

Eh, the person in the video is lying/cheating...
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:43 pm

Crouching right in front of an enemy with 100 sneak and only 1 point in the initial harder to detect perk, and still being undetected is kind of dumb...especially in a decently lit area. The Ai is just too stupid and forgiving, and is actually a step back it seems from Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

Not true.

Shadow warrior has to be bugged. They cannot have possibly intended you to be able to repeatedly crouch and attempt to sneak attack your target until it works. Sneak attack windows in general are too large. Should only be possible while completely hidden.

Also, 15x sneak attack alone killing even the strongest enemies on master difficulty with unenchanted weapons and 2 - 3 points in the one hand damage increase perk can't be right.

Not true again.

I play an assassin and i am afraid i dont agree with you at all. Sneak attack window with Shadow warrior perk is not too large at all, its very slim actually. I use it often but mostly indoors and dark places, some times I am able to use it outdoors and in lit places but i have all 5 points in stealth undetection perk (the first perk in stealth tree). There has to be a difference in a mage trying to sneak and an assassin who is stealth specialist.

If you want to play a completely unepic character who is ordinary by all means, say an unarmed beggar thats your choice but stealth tree is not broken. Try other classes and skills and then comment on stealth in comparison to other skill trees, some skill trees are much more strong than stealth.

I have couple of other characters going as well and I think my heavy plated 2 handed weapon using knight with restoration is the most OP of my characters, she can storm anything and blast through any situation, doesn't matter how sudden or surprising situation is.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:57 pm

Eh, the person in the video is lying/cheating...

They haven't been back to respond to anyone either. So I'm guessing that they took a giant Troll Dump on the forum and went home chuckling.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:21 am

Yep seems a bit on the easy side :P

By the way, what daggers are those and where do you find them?

This is where you change the difficulty... o_o
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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:23 pm

What's this?
People say the thief playstyle is overpowered?
People say the warrior playstyle is overpowered?
People say crafting is overpowered?
People say conjuration is overpowered?

Some people just need to play the game and enjoy it, a few small issues, like damage scaling with destruction I would like fixed but generally if you play on master difficulty, some parts of the game will be hard. You choose how to play, just play the game and stop complaining IMO.
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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:22 pm

It's illusion that's the root of all evil

Epic crowd control power in a not very crowded game ;)
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James Hate
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:00 pm

wait a min......didnt read through all the posts as i am going out in a few mins, but just watched a little of the video and is the OP using invisibility from the illusion tree???
DONT USE IT.......simple!!
if your playing a thief class why would you be using this anyways??? to make it harder, don't use illusion or potions!!!
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Justin Bywater
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:07 pm

What's this?
People say the thief playstyle is overpowered?
People say the warrior playstyle is overpowered?
People say crafting is overpowered?
People say conjuration is overpowered?

Some people just need to play the game and enjoy it, a few small issues, like damage scaling with destruction I would like fixed but generally if you play on master difficulty, some parts of the game will be hard. You choose how to play, just play the game and stop complaining IMO.

QFT :)
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:58 am

What's this?
People say the thief playstyle is overpowered?
People say the warrior playstyle is overpowered?
People say crafting is overpowered?
People say conjuration is overpowered?

Some people just need to play the game and enjoy it, a few small issues, like damage scaling with destruction I would like fixed but generally if you play on master difficulty, some parts of the game will be hard. You choose how to play, just play the game and stop complaining IMO.

Just need a legit destruction is overpowered thread and then, I think, the circle will be complete :D
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Andrea P
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:51 pm

What's this?
People say the thief playstyle is overpowered?
People say the warrior playstyle is overpowered?
People say crafting is overpowered?
People say conjuration is overpowered?

Some people just need to play the game and enjoy it, a few small issues, like damage scaling with destruction I would like fixed but generally if you play on master difficulty, some parts of the game will be hard. You choose how to play, just play the game and stop complaining IMO.

Yes, because the obvious solution to every problem is to ignore it. :rolleyes:

For what it's worth, I am playing on master and think it is too easy. Expert/adept should have been equal to what master is right now.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:21 am

Yes, because the obvious solution to every problem is to ignore it. :rolleyes:

For what it's worth, I am playing on master and think it is too easy. Expert/adept should have been equal to what master is right now.

Let us entertain it for a moment then, what would YOU propose to fix it?

Keep in mind you're mixing sneaking, good gear and illusion spells - fix it without forcing people to copy that exact built to get through...
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Jack Walker
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:06 am

Yes, because the obvious solution to every problem is to ignore it. :rolleyes:

For what it's worth, I am playing on master and think it is too easy. Expert/adept should have been equal to what master is right now.

why is it too easy........nerf yourself then!!
i don't get some people honestly, i chose my perks, did some homework and although i am not OP, i feel like i can take on most things in the game now i am lv 33 after 80 hrs of gameplay and this for me is a great feeling!! i WANT to be a bada$$ in an RPG, i spent time getting my gear sorted and my perks right and now i am having some great gameplay!! its far from easy for me, just right imo!
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Sweet Blighty
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:19 am

Are you playing on the Master difficulty? If you think you're thief is overpowered wait for your first random dragon encounter on Master difficulty survive that and tell me playing a thief is overpowered. I nearly crapped my pants. I had to run to the nearest village to get the aid of the village guard.

That was how my first random dragon went on my assassin. XD
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:43 pm

Exactly. I can't understand how sneak is possibly 'overpowered' when you can just walk around mowing stuff down without even bothering to sneak.

EDIT: Oh lol watched the vid, using invis. Yes, clearly a problem with the 'thief class' (what does that even mean). In my book thieves don't use magic.

They do if they are a Breton mage member of the thieves guild.
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:26 am

why is it too easy........nerf yourself then!!
i don't get some people honestly, i chose my perks, did some homework and although i am not OP, i feel like i can take on most things in the game now i am lv 33 after 80 hrs of gameplay and this for me is a great feeling!! i WANT to be a bada$$ in an RPG, i spent time getting my gear sorted and my perks right and now i am having some great gameplay!! its far from easy for me, just right imo!

There is no point to a game, when there is zero chance to lose. Where there is no chance to fail, there is no chance to excel.
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sarah simon-rogaume
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:32 pm

Let us entertain it for a moment then, what would YOU propose to fix it?

Keep in mind you're mixing sneaking, good gear and illusion spells - fix it without forcing people to copy that exact built to get through...

It's not that hard. And it also isn't my job to fix the problem the devs created for themselves by not properly testing and balancing the game. People ignoring/saying not to use it are just giving them an excuse to repeat the problem in future games, because they will know they can get away with it because people don't care.

1. Invisibility is 50% as effective if you are in the middle of combat, and cannot cancel combat.

2. Sneak attack requires "hidden" status, if the eye is open even a little you do half or less sneak attack damage.

3. Muffle is 50% as good or less with heavier armor.

4. Put heavy diminishing returns on all increases from gear/spells, ditch percentage system for a contested point modifier system.

6. Make achieving the current version of 100 sneak skill, require all 5 points in the first stealth perk.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:45 pm

There is no point to a game, when there is zero chance to lose. Where there is no chance to fail, there is no chance to excel.

The emphasis here is the "choice" part.

You don't "have to" do it that way. If you don't find it fun, don't do it. Some people might like to use robes and fights with bare hand through out the game.
Some people like to be OP and WTFPWN mobs with 1 hit.
Some people like to use 2h, some like spells.

Each to their own. It's good a games has variety.

Not like anyone's own way of *having fun* is affect any other players that play this game. And it require active planning / action on the player's part to use this particular style.
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:54 pm

It's not that hard. And it also isn't my job to fix the problem the devs created for themselves by not properly testing and balancing the game. People ignoring/saying not to use it are just giving them an excuse to repeat the problem in future games, because they will know they can get away with it because people don't care.

1. Invisibility is 50% as effective if you are in the middle of combat, and cannot cancel combat.

2. Sneak attack requires "hidden" status, if the eye is open even a little you do half or less sneak attack damage.

3. Muffle is 50% as good or less with heavier armor.

4. Put heavy diminishing returns on all increases from gear/spells, ditch percentage system for a contested point modifier system.

6. Make achieving the current version of 100 sneak skill, require all 5 points in the first stealth perk.

1. You've just nerfed 'casters' using it as an escape spell and thus removed much of its worth/utility.

2. All you've done is delay it, hidden comes eventually when they give up looking.

3. What difference does armour make if you're not getting hit anyway? People would just use light armour.

4. That's a rather sweeping change all because of one tiny thing you ran into? What would the impact be on every other combination?

5. You don't need the top sneak skill to do what was shown, not by a long shot.

See, not that easy to fix, is it? Honestly, it isn't hard to become stupidly powerful in the game, it really is not. Asking the devs to make YOUR experience harder by potentially screwing loads of other peoples characters is a bit selfish, given all it takes is you NOT playing like that.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:06 am

He literally sprints up to a mammoth, takes it out in a single combo then slays a giant two seconds later. I don't usually jump on the "everything is OP!" bandwagon, but that genuinely makes the game look boring as hell to me, which is why I'm trying to figure out the best way to play a thief while avoiding that situation.

Don't use magic. He uses invisibility, he's using double blades of woe (not possible without an exploit) and he uses a spell to muffle sound. As an assassin I can say it's pretty op damage that you can do without exploits, however sneaking up on someone is where you need to be careful. I don't use any magic at all.
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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:31 pm

Sure, playing any type of character can be OP, but it's more a fault of the player not limiting themselves. Illusion in itself is overpowered. I refuse to use it as it doesn't fit my character. Alchemy is ok, heck even making invisible potions is ok, if you limit yourself to maybe carrying only one at any given time, no one said that you can't have a good invisibility escape plan if the **** hits the fan. But still, of course it's going to be overpowered. If you don't like it, stop doing/using it.

The only class that's really broken, are the Mages. They can be pretty damaging when you meet your first magic user that can use 50+ damage spells, but they lose out in the long run, as that doesn't scale. Now THAT'S broken. It's something you CAN'T fix in-game. What the OP is doing is not complaining about a broken class, it's rather his play-style conflicting with his need for a challenge. This can be fixed, by changing your play-style. Take off those boots of muffle, stop using spells. Limit yourself to a power attack with one hand instead of two when sneaking. It's like the saying "Situations are only awkward because YOU make them awkward." It's only OP because you make it OP. Pretend that your character lost an arm during a grand fight with an ancient dragon, so he can no longer use his left hand, ever.

If none of that helps, start a new character. Or like others have said, wait for a mod. =/
There's nothing more I can say to help you on this matter.
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Georgia Fullalove
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:43 am

1. You've just nerfed 'casters' using it as an escape spell and thus removed much of its worth/utility.

2. All you've done is delay it, hidden comes eventually when they give up looking.

3. What difference does armour make if you're not getting hit anyway? People would just use light armour.

4. That's a rather sweeping change all because of one tiny thing you ran into? What would the impact be on every other combination?

5. You don't need the top sneak skill to do what was shown, not by a long shot.

See, not that easy to fix, is it? Honestly, it isn't hard to become stupidly powerful in the game, it really is not. Asking the devs to make YOUR experience harder by potentially screwing loads of other peoples characters is a bit selfish, given all it takes is you NOT playing like that.

1. Not really, 50% effective is still good, and as a caster, its meant more as a defensive ability isn't it? If you use it to attack before combat begins it would functionally be the same, but being detected should slightly negate it, since you should in theory be able to swing wildy at where you think the person may be, or watch if footsteps and other subtle hints give them away.

2. Perhaps, though there would have to be other changes to the behavior of the Ai in that regard.

3. That is a different problem entirely, since you can apparently reach the incoming damage reduction cap with light armor alone.

4. Not at all, I have never been in favor of percentage based increases, as percentages have a cap. Having a contested modifier ensures that you will always need greater stats/bonuses. Trying to sneak at level 40 against a level 50 npc? Maybe you can equip a set of gear that increases your sneaking ability to bridge the gap in ability. At the same time, having diminishing returns ensures that stacking up a lot of increasers become less effective the more you have, preventing them from getting too far out of control.

5. Maybe not, but again that is another problem that would have to be remedied in some way.

I argue that it is just as selfish to demand that things are kept as they are, when clearly there are some people who are discontent with it. I am not saying they should completely break the game backwards in the other direction, as that would not be proper balancing either.
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