A couple of months ago I bought Thief: Deadly Shadows on Steam, and I absolutely adore it. From the moment I started it, I couldn't let it go and kept on playing... Until I came across the Cradle level. I don't mind admitting it: I'm scared out of my mind here. I could get around the level just fine, with only this hesitant feeling in the back of my head. But as soon as I encounter the first zombie (or whatever they are called, they look like dead psycho's and since the building this level is situated in is an abandoned and burnt out insane asylum, I'm pretty sure they are) I freeze up completely, the hairs in my neck are standing up straight and I can′t keep moving forward. The only thing my head is saying is "Get the hell out, get as far away from those beasts as possible and do another level", which is of course not possible.
You are not alone there. I bought Thief: Deadly Shadows two years ago and had never played a Thief game before. The Cradle was the scariest thing I have ever played in any game or seen in real life. I just wanted to get out of there. I have done that level four times now but every time I had to get through it as quick as possible. The very first time I played it was at 1am and I had no idea it would be like it is, I really freaked out. That place freaks me out even now. You can kill the inmates, I usually shoot fire arrows into them or blow them with mines.
In fact I just love the Cradle so much that I created a homage to it in my Oblivion Mod, Pell's Gate, by building my own abandoned asylum. Not nearly as scary of course.
Thief 3 is one of my all time favorite games. Hanging around the city picking pockets is freakin brilliant. The conversations, the amazing locations like the Captain Moira's house and the Cradle. I have often wanted to make an interior city like that in Oblivion, but we don't have the tilesets.
I just finished playing Thief 2 for the very first time, last week. I can highly recommend that one as well. That one frustrated me, scared me witless and was a really good play. I went into the game with no knowledge of what to expect so when I rounded a corner and came across a mech beast for the first time.....it was pretty freaky. :bolt:
I love both those games, both have brilliant story lines and characters.