As the topic says...E-DE won′t give my stuff back?? I fixed E-DE in Primm ,and left it there with half of my inventory. Then later on, when i arrived to Novac/Gibson scrapyrad area, i went to get E-DE there. I sensed that if i don′t empty its inventory i might lost everything when the quest is completed. I had some useful crap and ALL playing cards that i had found in the game (~50pcs) so far and when i moved everything in my inv i noticed that they just disappeared! I emptied E-de′s inv in two phases, the second included only these cards so i′m not sure the guns′n stuff vanished as well as i can′t remember what was there because of the shock

So now i have locked and tied E-DE in my hotel room in Novac and i can′t finish its quest...any ideas?
Are these cards how important? I quess there′s some reward because you can collect them

Cheers, Askul