Hello everyone,
I have 2 fences(1 has 600 gold and the other 800 gold....Ongar and Dar Jee)that once they fence something from me thier money never goes down,,,,is this how its suppossed to work or am i missing something.thanks in advance,
heres an example: ongar has 600 gold to fence with and he buys 100 gold worth of silver plates and what not...however once done fencing he still has 600 gold......sounds like a bug to me.
No, that's right. You can get insanely rich in this game. The richest I've ever been on one character was well over a million septims... On the other hand, because merchants and fences have a cap on their gold, when you find that enchanted mace that is worth over 5000 septims, you will be only able to sell it for a max (Mercantile Master) of 2200. I limit my money these days by paying taxes for my house (thanks for the idea Acadian), purchasing high-end gear, and then turning around and reselling it for a loss.