I played Morrowind probably more than any single player game I've owned. Oblivion was less fun, but the Thieve's Guild quests were great. The Grey Fox's mask was crazy overpowered, but I felt a huge sense of accomplishment with it and the last quest and the overall impact on the game world. With all this in mind, I have been waiting on Skyrim for a long time, and the first thing I did was find the Thieve's Guild and that quest line.
Only once have I ever been more disappointed in a game.
Spoiler alert!
The final boss lead up with the Nighshades was fairly cool, but really, killing Mercer had no impact on the world as a whole. In contrast, in Oblivion, I STOLE AN ELDER SCROLL. The difference in epic perception is palpable.
And it does not stop there. I go back to the guild, and it still looks like a rat hole. There was no ceremony marking me as the guild leader as mentioned in the Twilight Sanctum. Brinjolf is "too busy to talk to me", and the rest of the guild members address me as sister. Where is the guild leader part?
But really, when it comes down to it, Nocturne hit it right on the head. Honor, and philosophy are all well and good, but it really is all about the reward. I gave up a fairly useful Skeleton Key for what? An invisibility spell that I have a better version of in many flavors? Really?
End spoiler
What happened Bethesda? Are there plans to extend this questline? Is there someone out there working on a mod to do this right?