Thieves Guild Mini-Quests ISSUE to get the Radiants in each

Post » Thu May 09, 2013 12:54 am

I ask devlin & Vwx for quests, and they go through the whole conversation with me, I accept, shill, and all the other quests and nothing happens

I talked to both of them 3 times , got no quests

weird thing happens, I turn in 1 of the collectors items, 5 of these quests activate , 1 after the other

Can someone help me out , in how to get these normally, and fix it so I can get 5 quests per City, so I can get the "grow the Guild/Radiant quests" for each city ? (once Ive done the 5 per city I'm supposed to activate?)


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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Thu May 09, 2013 6:13 am

not sure what you mean but your supposed to do a job for vex and delving and after I guess I think 5 of those you do a major quest dealing with the thieves guild associate in 1 of the each major cities and after you do that you come back to the thieves guild and there will be a merchant in the ragged flagon. and then do like 5 more and so forth right now im halfway through but having another different issue with the game crashing all the time.
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Stephanie I
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Post » Thu May 09, 2013 7:34 am

after I say Ill do the quest, it does not 'Pop" like when other quests get accepted and show in middle of your screen, with that sound.

So I talked 5 times in all to both of them, no quests gets "accepted " by me, and they dont go in my quest log

I turn in 1 of the larceny target items, suddenly I get 5 messages for 5 quests 1 after another

But its overall bugged, and im looking for help

Only these quesst, from these 2, even after I accept them in conersations, don't get accepted by MY Character, apart from that exception above

Thye are bugged, HELP

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Post » Thu May 09, 2013 5:33 am

do you have or use any mods? if so would be great if you posted them under spoiler alert because certain mods can make quest to be bugged as far as me I fixed my crashing issue with the summerset shadows thieves guild and working on the next 5 sets of thieves guild quest before I get the last major side quest to completely restore the thieves guild in riften. and idk if I could really help but ill try.
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DAVId MArtInez
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Post » Thu May 09, 2013 9:55 am

I have a ton of mods, something like 50.... I was afraid you'd say that

I would be very unhappy to turn them all off, there all top end from the steam workshop or nexus mods...

Any ideas?
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 9:41 pm

idk about the steam workshop mods because I never used a mix of nexus and steam workshop mods but do you have boss? so you can load them up and then copy and paste them here under spoiler alert. that way somebody else might able to help and know why you can't finish the thieves guild quest. me I must have about the same but all from nexus and had issues with mods effecting the main storyline to effecting the thieves guild and the mages of winterhold quest lines.
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 8:30 pm

Do you have my Localized Thieves Guild Jobs as I'm not aware of other mods focusing on those jobs? I never got anything that dramatic reported, unless you didn't solved in time, as described on the mod page, the issues that appeared because of some old game update and it got wronger and wronger for you.
If you don't have my mod than try could at last help you pinpoint if the issue is when a particular city is selected or everything is broken for you. Having it last in the load order may even fix your issues overwriting changes by other mods if that's the source of your problems.
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 5:22 pm

Luke I'll try it. And let you know over next 2 days

Question: Where is Boss and how does it work?


If you have any other advice, it's all welcome

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Bedford White
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 6:57 pm

here's the nexus link to BOSS a mod for skyrim and so forth. A plugin load order optimiser for TES III: Morrowind, TES IV: Oblivion, Nehrim - At Fate's Edge, TES V: Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. basicly perty simple to use just let it run it ask you to open and it will do it job to tell you what mods needs cleaning from dirty edits and so forth. here's a link to a video by gopher explaining Skyrim Mod Tool TES5EDIT : Cleaning your master files his video's are highly suggested for mod users and how to do stuff to make a skyrim game much better. I didn't know about BOSS Intel about 6 months or so ago and I didn't know about TES5EDIT Intel about 3 months ago. and im sure other mod users might not know about these tools or gamers who never moded before.
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John N
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 7:15 pm

Definitely you need to address load order if that is the issue.

In my game I have the problem that the radiant quests would forever be giving out rewards (after killing summerset shadows for instance) and after all four of those special radiant quests would never truly close - I cannot now finish the main thieves guild quest line.

I had this documented with a few other posters verifying similar experiences on the USKP bug tracker, but after that whole project moved again I see it is not there anymore.

Anyway - it seems that the with the special radiant quests called the game will block future TG quests until those are completed - even up to recognition of completing concurrent quests. What causes them to get stuck I don't know, but for my game it remains ruined.

this may be related, so I bring it up as something the OP may want to examine for his problem, not to hijack the thread.
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Post » Thu May 09, 2013 3:41 am

It's still on the tracker:
Although when there was the issue where a few days worth of things were lost, my registration and my comments regarding that issue seem to have been among the casualties.
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 8:38 pm

not me i do a variety of jobs for both vex and delvin i like to mix them up. and so forth no problems. only had 1 small issue with the cave were the summerset shadows thieves guild was at were the game w2ould crash after a period of time. but that was becouse i had to update alot of my i got past that still working on the last 5 jobs i guess to get the next delvin main job more likely to do with markath i think.
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stevie trent
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Post » Thu May 09, 2013 6:38 am

Well the issue was more about quests not coming to a full close - but only the grow the guild quests I linked above.

So this is related (same quests in question), but different.

Ahh there it is. And in the transfer all my follow comments that explained the situation further are gone (that it effects all those quests and prevents further advancements in the guild of the final two quests).

Well considering the level of support and feedback so far I'm not going through the hassle of again posting all that. Someone else is going to have to stumble across it and if they can detail it maybe they can get folks who know how to investigate to look closer.
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luis ortiz
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Post » Thu May 09, 2013 3:07 am

I am having the exact same issue - Vex and Delvin will give me one quest each, but when I have done those I can't get any more, even though I go through dialogue to accept the quests it does not actually pop up on screen or in my journal. I'm unable to do any more than 2 thieves guild side quests (1 each for Vex and Delvin) because of this bug. This has only been an issue since I installed Dragonborn.

To the OP - if you have found a fix, or worked out which mod is the culprit, or even worked out that it's NOT related to particuar mods, please let us know because you can help other people.

If you haven't found a fix, please post your mod load order, because it can at least let us work out which mods we have in common and that might help to narrow it down.
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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Thu May 09, 2013 8:49 am

im thinking the number changed for how many you have to complete instead of doing a total of 20 additional job for vex and delving you have to do 40 im around slightly over 30. because the dragonborn DLC changed the number and the riften thieves gil you are the member and leader you have to get influence for the thieves guild in raven rock and whatever towns are in dragonborn DLC. here's a short 30 min video of my game and heres my mod list idk if it help or not plz try not to say any thing about the mods im using if there's a issue you think on it I need to solve just see if there a mod in there might be causing the issue or might be causing the issue with maybe the thieves guild side or additional quest.
and the mods that are unrecognized by boss
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 10:19 pm

Unfortunately the bug hit me too this weekend too, but using my mod LTGJ, yet I strongly believe the issue is unrelated to this particular mod.
I use this mod of mine since I made it. I have all the reputation jobs done and started with this mod when I had just one.
In my game I came back to Riften and completed two jobs from a minor cities (introduced by my mod) and everything was fine, I took two local jobs in Riften (Vex+Delvin), and everything was fine. Then I came to finish those, the job quests ended but I coudn't get new jobs.
Now my research, up to now, help needed to speed it up:
I made all the aliases optional in a job quest assuming some of them not filling was the reason the quest won't start. I used this a lot before debuging my mod, but this time the quest didn't started with all those optional.
Then there's a fragment calling SendStoryEvent which is the one that actually should start the quest via SM. I added a debug.notification before that call and one after, both were not started, remember.
Then I changed SendStoryEvent to SendStoryEventAndWait which is supposed to return true if some quest is started by SM and false otherwise. With this the notification after it DIDN'T APPEARED anymore.
In the first notification I checked the keyword used to send the event and it was the right one. There is nothing in the papyrus log about the scripts involved.

Anyone has any idea why SendStoryEventAndWait makes the notification after it not showing, cause I believe there's the key to this (cause returning false should mean it didn't managed to start a quest)? Any Idea on how to figure out if is blocked waiting or it crashed and broked the fragment (nothing in papyrus log as I sayed)?
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Thu May 09, 2013 6:17 am

Vilkas, you son of a wolf. I think I fond the source of this...I mean I definitely found one possible cause but maybe there are other similar ones.
Anyone experienceing this issue (with or without my LTGJ) please go to your My Documents\My Games\Skyrim (I hope I remember this right) and edit in SkyrimPrefs.ini bEnableStoryManagerLogging=1 (from 0 as it was by default). Then enter the game and wait for like 2 minutes then exit end check the latest file in that folder with the ini \logs\StoryManager. Is something like StoryManagerLog.0.log
In my case the culpit was Vilkas and that log is full of Started processing event 0000BF86: Script Event - Keyword: CRVilkas,Location: NULL,Ref 1: NULL,Ref 2: NULL,Value 1: 0,Value 2: 0 Details here:
I'm curious if you'd notice something similar and if "Keyword: CRVilkas" is the culpit in your case or there are others too.
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Thu May 09, 2013 12:59 am

All very interesting, but why would Vilkas block TG quests?

At any rate here is my log on trying to get past the reputation quests as

There are several TGDialogueHQScene entries above - failing to fill aliases? What does that mean?
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 9:53 pm

My theory is that he's blocking/flooding the entire Story Manager, not allowing it to start TG quests.
If you check my log from the other thread you can see his event retried over and over again. And, as I sayed there, I manged to retroactively fix my save.

But I don't see the same in your save, or other event. Are you sure this is a save where TG won't give you quests? If yes, check the scenarios I sayed I excluded in the other topic (do you have any TGR* quest already started for example?)

That won't be a bad thing...I suppose there is no radiant quest for the specific actor. The bad thing is that in my situation it retries over and over to fill those aliases, not in your case. I don't understand why it retries so with Vilkas.

EDIT: go to Vex or Delvin, with that log enabled, and ask for a quest. We should see an event from a keyword with "TGR" in it's name in that log (my second log shows that for the numbers job: TGRadiantStartFO). This way we could narrow down if the issue is before the event reaches SM, filling alias, or who knows in your case.
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Thu May 09, 2013 3:53 am

No my problem is different from OP.

My problem is that I keep getting rewarded for the reputation special requests (the ones that lead to building the guild with merchants and fences). Every time I talk to Delvin he pays out the same rewards and sings the same praises, but then on game reload he does it all over again.

I've completed everything in the guild there is to do nightingale and all, but since these quests don't close the final two quests to take over the guild also don't initiate.
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Marquis deVille
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Post » Thu May 09, 2013 12:22 am

While I was testing this I had a save in front of Delvin and also noticed those dialogues showing, but only on the first load after starting the game. If I load twice they don't show...I was like wtf but didn't even want to look for it given the other issue, also they don't seem to give rewards for me as you say. For sure a different issue but one that might be solved by patch 1.9: "Fixed issue with quest scripts that were not shutting down properly"...hopefully the fix would work once you triggered the bug and not only against a previous save.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 10:11 pm

what is mod LTGJ? because im, sure I don't have that and don't no nothing of vilkas except he's a guild member.becouse I just finished my thieves guild mini quest for becoming the thieves guild master a couple days ago.
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 7:55 pm

My mod: Localized Thieves Guild Jobs - see my signature, and I had many reports over time claiming Vex and Delvin stop giving quests, but as this topic points and my latest research I believe it's a vanilla bug that happens regardless using LTGJ
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 8:17 pm

nope I am still stuck
I talk to them, eitehr vex or delvin
I ask for quest, I say Ill do it and the quest does not announce, you know, like when you accept a quest and you get the sound, and the text flows on top of the screen
Why did the mini quests from those 2 stop being accepted /

and I still have NEVER been give 1 of the City Influence quests, for ANY city ?

what am I to do?

post my mods in a list ? if yes, how do I do that?

There is nothing in my mods list that even touches TG quests, apart from having added the mod I was suggested here, the Localized thieves guild mod I added tonight

any helps appreciated

I am running 1.8, Heartfire & dawnguard
Oh and btw, I am progressing in all the other factions quests, including main and civil war, and am having NO problems.. what is different with Thieves guild?

Keep it coming gang, very, very interesting thread...

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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Thu May 09, 2013 6:06 am

copy and paste majority people know how to copy and paste. so we can see your mod list and best way to copy and paste it is by using BOSS a mod tool for any mod user's for a video explaining BOSS. and idk what or how to help or others unless you list your mod's here. and im one kind of reluctant to show my mod list because some people here tend to go overboard on helping and not telling you what exactly what is your problem. and focus on other mods could have issues. but then if even you list your mod list there no exact way of telling what mod could cause your TG progress not to advanced. read spoiler alert here for what it could be.
hope this might help and BTW im only using 1 mod that changes the thieves guild and mages guild and that's the better npc's mod which there's a option to give them special clothes only. and I highly suggest to use unless you already using that mod.
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