Thing I learned today: Give Lydia health potions

Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:02 pm

Instead of giving her potions I just give her all the food I find, I do give her the stamina potions, I think she does more power attacks if u do.

And I read on here that she can carry more weight then u can put in her inventory if u tell her to pick it up instead of giving it to her.

Yea I love using her, she has all ebony armor with the ebony mail, ebony axe with soultrap but I put petty soul gems on her and they didn't fill up, maybe everything we fought had more then a petty soul, I did give her a ebony bow but she won't use it, she uses a huntin bow that doesn't even show in her inventory.
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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:24 am

I'm not positive but I don't think she tangles with them...unless someone else has seen it? When they were after me when we were fighting the dragon, she didn't or couldn't fight the giants. They kept getting me until finally I just kept running around the dragon to absorb the soul and then ran down the road.


Lydia versus giants is lots of fun, she gets punted into orbit, then 10 seconds later falls back down and goes on fighting like nothing happened.
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Emma Pennington
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:36 pm

She's something else and I mean that in a great way. I just realized that while we were in a Barrow, there was a draugr and it was called Lydia's draugr. I didn't know she could conjure but I just realized that I had her carrying the Staff of Zombies. Fantastic...she can use it!

My Lydia's dual wielding fire blasting AOE staves at the moment. She's lit me up a few times trying to fire off blasts at enemies. It's awesome how she can work the staves.
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