Thing's that I Noticed / Learned from Todd's presentation of

Post » Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:00 am

1) Mounted travel looks a little bit shaky, but much better than it did in Oblivion.
2) When you look at the map the camera zooms out at the world instead of just staring at a sheet of paper with some markings.
3) They went into one of the starter towns and it looks somewhat similar to that of Oblivion, a guy just stands there staring at nothing and then a woman comes up randomly to talk, but we couldn't really see / hear what the convo was about.
4) We saw the interface it looks sick! The items are in 3D and you can move them around to view various angles of them.

There's going to be more very soon so I'm just gonna leave it at this until I've watched it.

What did you notice?
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Natalie Taylor
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