I want to see what you guys sugesst I change, add or remove to make it better.
My character is Guns/Energy Weapons both at 100.
I want my character to have 175-210 lbs. Spare going into Old World Blues
He can hold up to 280, 300 if I use buffout. ( I usually use it when, and if I get Over-encumbered, although I have all the weight perks)
Weapon List ( Total: 6 , Weight: About 22 lbs. )
- .45 Auto Pistol++ ( Both Mods are on it, mainly for sneak attacks from close range, as well as close range engagements )
- A Light Shining in the Darkness ( Not so sure, I want a pistol, but I want a stealth pistol as well. )
- Laser RCW++ ( Both Mods on this as well, I want a machine gun, and considering the situation I decided the RCW was best for OWB. )
- Sniper Rifle++ ( Yep, Both Mods. Basically a Sniper used for stealth and long range.)
- Survivalist's Rifle ( Definetly My Favorite, perfect for blowing heads off at almost any distance. )
Thats My Weapons. I did consider the Pulse Gun, but I decided with the Emitter Pistol as well as other things, I didn't need it.
Armor List ( Total: 5 Wight : About 40 lbs. One of the sets I use will be put up. So the weight is subject to change. )
Set 1 - Desert Ranger Combat Armor and Helmet ( I reach over 30 DT because of perks and implants but it weighs over 30 lbs. so I might change it out. )
Set 2 - 1st Recon Beret, Joshua Graham's Outfit, Authority Glasses ( Mostly because this is only 8 lbs. So Im leaning towards this, the glasses are for looks and my Trait I have, which I will be removing in this DLC. Crit Chance is here too, so with all my perks and stats it would work out great. )
So those are my weapons and armor. Any thing I should add? Remove? Change?
Thats only 62 lbs. But when I add in Medical Items, Drugs, and Non-Removable quest items, its about 75 lbs.
Now I am taking junk items as well, with what I believe to be what I need, it goes to about 144 lbs. That's why I may remove My Desert Ranger Armor so I can have plenty of room for new things. If what I think is right, the DLC will have some junk items we need, but it should be perfect to take about one of each junk item used to make weapons, etc. As well as 10 Coffee Mugs.
What should I add or change?
And Should I Keep my Ranger Armor for Defense? Or use the Light Armor for weight and Crit Chance.
Sorry if anything Like this has been posted before, but I'm just trying to get a good perspective of what other people are taking, and ideas and opininions from them for what I should take. :biggrin: