Things I don't use a mage and things I dont do as a player

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:52 pm

Smithing/Enchanting. Not because a lot of people in the threads have been complaining or stating "OMG bla bla bla smithing - ya ya ya enchanting" but because (as a mage) I don't need smithing, and enchanting has no allure to me. if I do take up enchanting it will be for robes as that's what mages ware.

As a player I take my sweet ass time doing the Main Quest, I think I'm level 10 and I have only done up to the first dragon. I got side racked by ancient dwarven ruins and now I am seeking to slaughter innocent people in Riften.

I find a lot of players take this game too seriously and just do the Main quest and then at level 50 say "I'm bored" there is so much to the world of skyrim, from the flowers to pebbles (i have actually stopped and looked at rocks) all the way to ancient ruins which i have fun playing in - the only complaint there is: LESS BANDITS - more other worldly creatures.

I am heavy in to alchemy, destruction/conjuration magic and magical weapons (that I find). With that said

What do you guys NOT DO in terms of skills, Do you stay true to your "class" assuming you have one? do you just do the main quest and then become bored? do you stare at pretty flowers and think - i must have these? do you spend 45 minutes at a time reading books?

Is skyrim a game to you? or an escape from this world into another that is living and breathing like this on?
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Paula Rose
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:18 pm

As a pure warrior I have no interest in the arcane arts. I am proficient in all aspects of melee combat as well as archery. While I prefer my armor to be thick, I can and have resorted to the lighter armors when needed.
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:10 pm

First question is that Skyrim is my escape from the real world and my home away from home. My family isn't in the best financial situation so we usually stay home during vacation times so Skyrim is my vacation I guess. It's also an incredibly big distraction for me and in all honesty, a waste of time. Even now, I should be studying for Math Team but I don't...blame Skyrim.

Second question is, yes I do have a class. It's a Rogue class.

Third Question, No I don't follow the limitations of that class. I use a one-handed sword a lot and even engage some enemies directly in single combat if it's like the last enemy.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:50 pm

Nice poll!

Yes, Skyrim is to me a place where I can escape all the crap of real life.. as is WoW to be honest but here I dont' even have other people whispering me.. so this, Skyrim, is my true sanctuary.

Yeah, I kinda do have a class.. Barbarian I guess. I'm a Nord, I don't necessarily wear light armor... but I make sure it's fairly skimpy so to speak and mostly fur and leather. (at the moment, Ancient Nord armor, leather boots and gloves) I always wield some kind of two-hander, and of course, I am allied with the Stormcloaks. I always charge into battle, no matter how many enemies... yeah and i'm still in leather and iron quality armor I know.. (thank the gods for smithing to keep it upgraded!) but I don't die as much as you'd think. even managed to kill a dragon priest at lvl 14 lol. (Krosis, found him by accident, he slaughtered me.. I vowed vengeance, and after reloading, spent like the next half hour kiting and LOS'ing him, finally killed him hehe).
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:44 pm

As a paladin I don't sneak, don't steal or pickpocket, and don't use ranged attacks like bows or destruction spells. Necromancy and dealing with Deadra is also a big no-no, so I don't use conjuration, nor do I do any of the Daedra quests. I also don't join the Dark Brotherhood or the Thieves guild.
I pride myself in my skill with the warhammer, and because I lack a shield I use heavy armor for my protection and Restoration as my preferred way of healing. I don't dabble in the art of alchemy, but do bless my weapons (enchant) and can make, repair and upgrade my own gear (smithing).
I keep my crafting skills slightly below my main attack skill (twohanded) so they do not become overpowered.

If I promise someone I will aid them I will do so, as long as their cause is just. If I am not sure I can help someone in a honorable fashion, I will refuse to help. I walk everywhere, or take a horse and carriage, and only fast travel on my way back. That way I can enjoy the view, while at the same time I can make sure the roads are safe for fellow travellers by removing feral animals and bandits along the way.

I always give to the poor, and regularly drop food, clothing and fur armor (nice and warm) off at known beggar haunts. If there is a temple/shrine of Talos, my character will go in and pray.

Making these rules for myself makes my character more fun to play and makes sure there's plenty to do with a next character I roll, rather then doing everything with just 1 character. It also means I get more immersed, because I make choices my character feels are right, not always what I would like to do (like getting the Star of Azura).

And yes, I use Skyrim to escape from the real world since being a parent of a child with a long-term illness isn't always easy, and sometimes it's nice to forget about real life for an hour or so when I can. :)
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:41 pm

excellent answers guys
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